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Just sayin' that IF the horsemen were coming, the last one is very applicable.

Gwen_Wanderer 7 Oct 9

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You should read george orwells book. For some reason you support totalitarianism, and george orwell was a socialist against totalitarianism


Misinformation= any information against communist ideology


But he's already here.

Indeed, he is.


where is the sidekick "gullible"?

"Gullible" is a slackjawed bozo standing in the road, waiting for the horsemen to run him over.

There is more than one sidekick and they are all named "Gullible." They ride in the saddlebags as they were told it was comfortable there.

@Gwen_Wanderer Ah, Gullible's travels.


SO true!


I applaud the cartoonist's insight and creativity. However, I would change the prefix "mis" to "dis." I feel it would better represent the truth of the situation, i.e., that most of the falsehoods are deliberate. They are, in fact, lies, generated and disseminated purposely to deceive. The ultimate goal (of the liars) is the destruction of the rules-based international order, and takeover by criminal gangs with sovereign borders.



And it seems the fifth horse person is a major driver for the other four!

Very much so!

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