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Doug Robblee writes: interesting article:
'Fear IS created to keep you doing & believing in exactly what you are complacently doing.'
Everyone who says Trudeau is an idiot because his policies are hurting Canada needs to understand his priority IS NOT CANADA.
And because of that, he is a traitor to his country and should be held accountable.
His loyalties lie NOT with his country but with the United Nations and UN Agenda 2023/2030 aka The Great Reset and he will do anything to get a seat at their table
That’s the kind of attitude and goal for himself he has set.
We should have a motivation test for politicians before they run and some would add an I.Q. test also.
The Liberal party with their outrageous spending has plunged Canada so far into debt that we will never get out and has change Canada from a "have" country to a "have not" country.
The idea being to make the Citizens feel hopeless and more receptive to the empty promise of a better tomorrow through world domination and to plant the idea that “someone will take care of them”.
"..if you believe that changing governments will some how cure the problems that governments make in the first place, well, think again...
Welcome to REALITY.
and if you don’t “see the light” at the end of this tunnel and still believe that, "we the people, have the control” – think again.
..and check out “Bread and Circuses”.
But what we fail to realize is that the people we hire are the same as we are and have the same egotistical greed as the rest of us and we expect that government after government after government will be “better”.
“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” Albert Einstein
CHECK OUT AGENDA 2023 & 2030, the new definition for world dictatorship.
This Agenda is a plan of action for people, planet and prosperity.
It also seeks to strengthen universal peace in larger freedom.
We recognise that eradicating poverty in all its forms and dimensions, including extreme poverty, is the greatest global challenge and an indispensable requirement for sustainable development.
All countries and all stakeholders, acting in collaborative partnership, will implement this plan.”
Pretty words full of promise but totally empty of how they plan on doing this.
Try getting 8 billion people to agree on what to do on a rainy Sunday afternoon and you'll get the picture.
Think about that.
Does the world have that now?
Has the world ever had that?
Answer – A HARD NO!
Know This:
The UN Agenda 2030, aka the great reset, will bring a dictatorship world government into being which is the only way to bring about their proposals.
And sometimes, in idle moments, as I watched people and the news as we carry on with our everyday business and thoughts, I start to wonder if we are mentally mature enough to take care of ourselves instead of looking for someone to babysit us while waiting for our next new toy and a beer or two..
It’s way passed time we all grew up and looked outside the box..
We have to think of ourselves as Citizens of Planet Earth!
(in Canada)
The Online Harms Act (whatever the hell that is)
Digital ID
(You will find it is a two-edged sword with the sharp side aimed at you.
Be very wary.)
Cashless Society to get you use to the proposed
*15 minute prison communities Digital ID.
(All ready there is a far-remote Canadian municipality that has imposed mandatory QR codes for people to enter and exit.
With this, the Canadian township Îles-de-la-Madeleine has reportedly become the first municipality in the world to make QR codes mandatory for visitors. Apr 29, 2024)
Be Warned

1patriot 8 Oct 10

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Where is slug at

looks like they shut the site down it had way more information than this site! i am really toning down posting here to

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