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Donald Trump is doubling and tripling down on immigration with absolutely weird and false stories about immigration. Why is he doing this? The answer is both simple and despicable.

Trump has nothing else to offer. He has no concrete plans or programs for dealing with ANY of the following issues which matter to our people -- upgrading our infrastructure, solving the housing crisis, reducing inflation, improving our healthcare system, increasing American manufacturing in the USA, reining in greed-driven excessive profiteering, improving our schools, cracking down on domestic violence and on the threats of such violence, reducing poverty and expansion of our middle class, or on any other area of needed governmental activity. In other word he has nothing else to offer that hate, fear, and directed discrimination. He is trying to give us an “other” who we can blame for everything, without any action to solve any of our real problems.

If you think differently, a challenge you to delineate ANY program of action which Trump plans to implement to deal with the issues Have specified. I do not believe that you can, as none exists. And, if you cannot, I urge you to stop buying and trumpeting the shit that Trump is dishing out. If you truly your country and our people, you owe that to us all

wordywalt 9 Oct 11

Enjoy being online again!

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I seem to hear of tax proposals that made sense and increasing oi production as much as possible as a means of combating inflation. You do know that fuel costs affect everything because everything must be delivered, not just once but may times from processing to retail.


His base feeds on hatred and he knows that, keeping them riled up and ugly is what he Does.


Trump's usual methodology is not working this time, his opponent is better, and Trump himself is not up to snuff. He's older and not in great shape. He is having his ass kicked by a much smarter, younger woman. However, the American public is fickle, so we cannot become complacent. I don't think I will last long under a second Trump administration.

Don't count your chickens before they hatch.

@Alienbeing I know, I know. I remember the last time he ran...

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