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How to get a blow job: insult Islam!

anglophone 9 Oct 13

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I think he meant behead those, but his English isn't so good.


I really don't understand this. Did the guy mean to write "behead," and just have a Freudian slip?

Or did he mean "headache?" 😂

Maybe he meant "Give Heed". If he did mean "Give Head" isn't that a reward? Ahh, ...a traitor in the midst.

@nogod4me Indeed, it would!

"Give heed to those who insult Islam!"

It has a nice ring to it! 😂


Give Head to those that insult Mickey Mouse !!!

Leetx Level 7 Oct 13, 2024

Pathetic. I wish I believed in Karma.

Shut your mouth, Karma is the only thing I believe in, at least when it comes to metaphysics. No offense, Howard..

@TomMcGiverin You seriously imagine the MAGAs will, in some universe, get what they deserve??? Your optimism cannot be measured...

@racocn8 Ha! That is funny! The complaints I got from @TomMcgiverin, and the reason, I surmise, that he ultimately blocked me, was that I was being too optimistic! 😂😂😂

@racocn8 No, I don't believe that Trump or his MAGA followers will ever get all they deserve. But I do believe in karma happening, in general...Some do get their just desserts....


He's certainly doing his stretches . . . must be a pro


What a dick. 😎


That would be two reasons to cut off your head.

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