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Follow the money!

1patriot 8 Oct 13

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Flapping yer gums again or do you have proof....

get your shots Anne! please it will help the planet!

the CDC has accepted millions of dollars through the CDC foundation during 2014-2018 the CDC received 79.6 million from companies like Pfizer, BIOGEN, AND MERCK IT WAS CREATED BY Congress in 1995 the CDC has accepted 161 million from corporation. petition have been filed by many groups concerned about big pharma possible undue influence on medical research and practice. as you know we are curing cancer with Ivermectin, Fenbendazole, Mebendazole. you had your nose out joint over that too and look what happen......i was only putting it out there for you to study but of course your not going to look into it! that would mean you would have to read a lot!

[] news on you fact checkers. NewsGuard is a for-profit fact checking organization backed by Big Pharma, Big Tech, the teachers union and the U.S. government
NewsGuard has set itself up as the self-appointed global arbiter of what information is “trustworthy” based on nine “credibility and transparency” factors, for information viewed on private electronic devices, in schools and in public libraries. Its true reason for being, however, is to bankrupt alternative media sites by driving away advertisers
In late October 2023, Consortium News sued NewsGuard and the U.S. government for defamation and First Amendment violations, arguing the fact checker colluded with U.S. intelligence to suppress foreign policy dissent
NewsGuard labeled Consortium News as an “anti-U.S.” media organization, even though NewsGuard only took issue with six of its more than 20,000 articles and none of its videos
One of NewsGuard’s CEOs, Louis Gordon Crovitz, is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), a key player behind The Great Reset. Since its inception, the CFR’s goal has been to undermine U.S. sovereignty and national independence in order to usher in an all-powerful one-world government.
In the video above, PragerU CEO Marissa Streit takes a look at NewsGuard, a for-profit fact checking organization backed by Big Pharma, Big Tech, the teachers union and the U.S. government.

NewsGuard has set itself up as the self-appointed global arbiter of what information is “trustworthy” based on nine “credibility and transparency” factors, for information viewed on private electronic devices, in schools and in public libraries.1,2

NewsGuard’s $6 million startup was funded in part by the Publicis Groupe,3 one of the largest PR firms in the world.4 Many of the largest drug companies use their services, and the Publicis Health board also consists of a power pack of high-profile individuals with Big Pharma position backgrounds or affiliations.5,6,7,8 I detailed these connections in my October 5, 2021, article, “The Web of Players Trying to Silence Truth.”


Why is the FDA funded in part by companies it regulates. Nearly half the FDA's budget comes from companies seeking approval for medical devices or drugs look it up Anne i am not doing your work any more but you keep flapping your gums at me and don't believe it but later find it's true!

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