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Being pro choice, don't think Goverments can mandate what gose into or out of our bodies. That's between doctor and patience.

Canada is mandatory vaccines for travel and government employee's. And Trump wants State run banning abortions..

My perspective is based on natures processes of abortion And natural remedies for the mind and body health, rather than the highest profitable tonic cocktails.

Aforce adopted child is more likely to have greater suffering issues in life and all quantrillion sprem cells a man produced and lets go is not religiously sared.

Force adopted cause mental Health Issues: - Studies suggest that adopted individuals may be at a higher risk for mental health challenges, including anxiety, depression, and attachment issues. These can stem from early experiences, feelings of abandonment, or the search for identity. Relationships and Attachment.

What is your views on abortion?

Castlepaloma 8 Oct 14

Enjoy being online again!

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