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Trump tried to buy Stormy's silence...again!

Trump's legal team tried to keep Stormy Daniels quiet ahead of 2024 election, MSNBC reports

Flyingsaucesir 8 Oct 18

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She should just take the money. This man has to constantly make everything about himself apparently in fear that we will totally forget him.

He's a narcissistic sociopath and con man whose only concern is himself.


Seems to be a waste of money. His admirers don’t care what awful things he says and does or he would have never made it to the White House the first time.

So true! It's a sad commentary on the critical thinking skills, priorities, motivations, and or moral compass of a large minority of the American electorate.


I hope she haunts his thoughts forever.


The worse value for dollar hush money ever paid.

puff Level 8 Oct 18, 2024
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