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Headlines: "Trump says Harris should be ‘forced off’ campaign, wants Biden back"

"Trump desperately wants Biden Back With Just 18 Days Left to Election"

Keith Olbermann discusses the latest polls and Trump's desperate calls to kick Kamala off the ballot

Flyingsaucesir 8 Oct 19

Enjoy being online again!

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Trump and his people think it was an illegal move for Biden to step back and allow Harris to run instead. They have attorneys working on this right now and are going to use it to contest the election results. This will be presented along with a threat of violence if the Trump GOP does not get it's way. I suppose we next enter a stage where we have no President because this move does not, and will not make Trump the winner.

So much for Komrade Trump and the Owners. Play your songs somewhere else.

Yeah, he doesn't have a leg to stand on. It's just so much hot air.


Tough luck, Donnie Boy.

Right? If you can't cut the mustard, you shouldn't be in the race.

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