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What great fun! Still not voting for him. He's feeding kids on one hand and he and Kamala are supporting killing thousands of other kids. How sad.. STILL CAN'T VOTE FOR HIM.

Silver1wun 7 Oct 21

Enjoy being online again!

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And how many people didn't get their food because they had to close the McD's for this stunt? Pretty strange to pretend to work at McDonald's to try to prove he is as qualified at his opponent. How about he turns back time and goes to law school, devoting his life to working for the people instead of himself? That might be a worthwhile stunt.

How many children are without food and water in Gaza because they weren't lucky enough to be burned alive for a quick way out? Both Trump and Miss Nitrous Oxide support that genocide.


Trump's failed stunt.


McDonald's has been killing people for years. Billions served, billions dead.

What are the health issues with McDonald's food?

Increased Risk of Chronic Diseases: The high fat, salt, and sugar content in many McDonald's foods can elevate the risk of conditions like obesity, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease with frequent consumption.

Trump is doing his part. We should encourage Trump to eat more.

Ha! I was going to say the same: he needs to eat more McD's!

@Gwen_Wanderer Super-size his ass!

@nogod4me oh honey, that ship has sailed!

@nogod4me the next phase for his ass is jumbo supersize!

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