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WELL THIS IS TERRIFYING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"Give Clearview a photo of a random person on the street, and it would spit back all the places on the internet where it had spotted their face, potentially revealing not just their name but other personal details about their life. The company was selling this superpower to police departments around the country but trying to keep its existence a secret."|


TheoryNumber3 8 Oct 22

Enjoy being online again!

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I dunno, I think they're a little optimistic with that accuracy rate. The last I heard they were still having trouble with PoC. Not that facial recognition hasn't been circling us for a while because it has. China has been using it to control their populace for decades, and I imagine a nefarious government here would do it as well. Okay, I know for sure it will, but I'm still hoping he doesn't get in office.

I had to regularly sign a form saying I didn't want my Ring doorbell videos used by my (or any) police department who always tout it as a great crime stopper. I think turning them in is the default setting. They want to, you know, just tape the general populace as it walks by my house. I imagine they really score in apartment buildings. We're just feeding the monster.


fuck! It's like they created a Mrs. Plumely. She was the neighbor up the street where I grew up. The neighborhood busybody. She had a split level home, the living room had a big bay window. Inside the north wall was covered in mirror tiles. She would sit in her chair across from that wall, giving her a view up and down the street. My mother's eyes in the back of her head, as it were. We eventually figured it out and would cut through the back yards so as not to be seen.
This thing is WAY worse!

If Trump is elected and wants to keep an eye on his "enemy list" like Nixon did, it will be way easier now with the Internet than what Tricky Dick had to work with.

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