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Have you ever done a "take this job and shove it"?
I've never felt that I owed a bad employer a notice. That's coming from someone who has owned her own business and has had someone leave without notice.
I did it a year ago, at 63, with no security or backup plan. However, I do live in an area that has more jobs than people.
No regrets.
One morning I mulled over a situation (cumulative), went into the bosses office and told her I didn't feel well. I went home and typed the letter and came back and handed it to her and proceeded to collect my things.
Landed on my feet.

gloriadeb 6 May 9

Enjoy being online again!

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One boat house i worked at for about 4 yrs . I came in one morning October just as I had for 4 yrs . At 9:30 I just said I can't do this any more and that was it . Never looked back was the best thing I ever did . Doubled my income and became my own boss .


Not proud of it but a few years ago I called my head chef a cun* midservice and bailed right then and there on the squad. I left them neck deep in it got my shit together and walked away best decision of my life leaving that is not the way I left there's burning bridges and then theres nukeing them from orbit


Not proud of it but I have many times. Mostly if it was too stressful.


Had a boss in Texas tell me "you need to get right with the lord"
Uh huh, "fuck you. I quit" ....hopped in my truck and drive away.


Yes, 2 years ago! Have been doing better ever since

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