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If god will provide ...

snytiger6 9 Nov 20

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Maybe it was the money thing that put me off. I really do not know why I disliked church, I just did. It got to the point right after the choir sang, as we shuffled back to our seats I'd exit right to the side door. Take off my choir robe and leave. I'd walk down to the Delaware River, sit on the wall and watch the river flow by. It was pretty polluted back then, around 1964, so I did not try wading. It was so much more peaceful than being in church.
I eventually was caught out and questioned by my mom. One Sunday morning I just simply refused to go and that ended my torture lol.

The singing was the only part I liked. I was always in the choir. My dad was a Lutheran minister so I went to church or had church people at the parsonage every day until 6th grade when dad got fired for being too liberal for Lutherans. We moved to California, my dad got a job with the American Friends Service Committee and we started going to Quaker meetings where there is no sermons or music. I don’t remember a collection plate either…

@Killtheskyfairy My Dad was basically an atheist so we got my Mom's religion - Methodist. Geez there's a weird group for ya. They think Catholics are the devil.

@silverotter11 Catholics are the devil. I got married in a Catholic Church. Priest said I didn’t have to convert right away but should take time and research. I did. 😱😱☠️💩🤡😱😱

@Killtheskyfairy My Dad was raised in a very Catholic household. His father was a bully, wifebeater and sexually abused at least one of his daughter's. Being the youngest male my Dad was slated for the priesthood, clearly that did not work out. He was kicked out of Catholic school, smoking and probably incorrigible behavior. I have no idea if he had any issues with the priests but he was NOT a fan of the church or religion. It was not until I was older that I learned he was athiest, so there was no "influence". He did enjoy collecting and studing the Bible, as he said it is full of great stories, he also knew I enjoyed Science Fiction and the Sherlock Holmes stories. Never could get into the Bible tho.
He was kind, intelligent, an artist and craftsman and never raised his voice or spanked us. The only time I ever really frustrated him, I was whining to my mom, I mean I was REALLY whining on and Dad came into the kitchen and loudly asked, while sort of pounding his fists on his thighs, "WHAT is wrong with you?" It struck me as funny and I started laughing and circled around to the other side of the dining table. LOL and that was the end of it. I really miss him. Mom not so much.


If God will provide, why did we have to invent toilet paper ffs…..🤦🏻

I mean you’d think if he could make the earth and stars with his magic wand, that he could’ve handled hooking Adam & Eve up with some Charmin. He’d be like, “I’m giving you these rolls of Charmin to show my love for you!!! But whatever you do, you must never, ever, ever, squeeze them!!🤠


Well that isnt church, according to the Bible, so, ya


You never know what god will provide. My addicted granddaughter has decided she wants to be a minister now. She follows and posts stuff that I do not even understand. Recently she went to a local church group where the minister tried to drown her. I saw the video. Next he gave her a copy of his ministerial training course. I think April is learning about the collection plate because she never did like to work.

There’s two things in life I don’t trust! Fat Preachers, and skinny Chefs!!👀


Amen brother!!😌


They need a collection plate because it’s a scam.

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