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Does anyone else here have a problem with proselytizers in their condo or neighborhood home owners association?

I'm always standing my ground with my Home Owners Association... Last week, it was Christian Carols being piped into our office/lobby. This week it's "Our Daily Bread" Christian Booklets laid out on our check-in desk. I live in a condo/resort community.

We do have festive holiday lights in and around the office/lobby, which don't bother me.

We do have several Jewish and also Atheist owners, guests and visitors, so I like to stand up on their behalf. I complained to one of our board members that the HOA should not be in the business of proselytizing our owners, guests and visitors with Christian materials and music.

He thinks it might be our new resident manager who keeps trying to share his faith in various ways. Hoping my neighbor will be coy and discrete by not mentioning where the complaints come from. I've been retaliated against before by by speaking up.

I keep thinking those times are done, but nope, a new generation of bible thumpers always seem to come into management roles.

This past week, I've had my "Solstice Blessings" banner hanging on my front porch wall. That might have angered the manager. So, today I switched it out to my "Season's Greetings" banner instead, which may seem a softer message.

If things continue to get more religious in our common areas, I might have to put up my "Axial Tilt, The Reason for the Season" banner, and other such things I have in my holiday decorations box. I try not to have too much of an "in your face" attitude or message, but it might come to that.

Julie808 8 Dec 19

Enjoy being online again!

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Update on this. Since I complained about the christian music and religious literature in our lobby, now this manager has put up black "no quarter" flags in the windows of his vehicle.

I posted an image and description of that flag on this site but it was deleted. So, I'm guessing that I'm right in what it means. I will bring the flag to the attention of our home owners association, since it gives me the feeling that I'm unsafe, being a liberal.

Wow, we all used to be respectful to each other and give grace to those with different religious and political beliefs, but this guy seems to be itching for a war. Ex-military, every photo he posts on social media he is draped in a flag and has crosses everywhere. I'm a flaming liberal, so I do fear for my safety and that of others like me who vacation on this property.


Only in the USA.

Yes, especially with our political divide. Since I put a stop to the christian music and pamphlets in our lobby check in desk, this new manager is now wearing a big cross around his neck and a red ball cap that looks like a Trump hat.

He was really nice and helpful until I asked that religious materials and music be kept out of our lobby, since it's owned by 44 condo owners, and we have adhered to a certain standard for years. Suddenly he has changed his attitude toward me.

It's a shame that religion and politics can divide people who would get along if religious and political preferences were kept to oneself.

@Julie808 Yes, it’s a shame. Democracy is not something that religious people believe in the US seems like to me.


There's no HOA where I live, but some Jehovah's Witnesses showed up at my door the other day. I wasn't in a mood to entertain their nonsense, so I cut them off short.

"Tell me everything you know about darwinian evolution," I said, before they could launch into their schpiel.

"We don't know anything about darwin," one of them replied. "We're here to talk about the Bible."

"Well you can talk to me about the Bible all you want, but first you have to demonstrate to me that you are well versed in science. Now go and study it," I said.

One of them started to protest, and I cut him off again. "Nope! Sorry! There's no point in us talking until you are up to speed on science. Good day!"

What are the odds they will ever fullfil my requirement and learn how the world actually works? About the same as the probability that their God actually exists: somewhere between vanishingly small and zero. Too bad; they seemed like nice boys. Such a waste that their heads are filled with religious gobbledygook. 😑


Nope, nary even a Xmas light on my apartment building. But I did get a bit of a cold shoulder after asking a woman I didn’t even know not to talk to me about religion yesterday. Last night, as I walked the five blocks to home from dinner after dark, I noticed a lot of the condos and apartment buildings in my neighborhood were very decorated with lights, and must say it did give me a bit of lift in spirit. I wish they would keep them up all year. The magic of Xmas lights doesn’t have anything to do with religion for me. I loved going for a ride to see them as a child and loved seeing them last night. I would react the same as you, were I in your situation.

I love all the lights in Waikiki! I've had occasion to stay in some hotels in Honolulu and enjoy the wonderland of lights and holiday displays. Most are pretty inclusive, regardless of religion, and don't usually proselytize.

Besides the lights on the office/lobby at my building, we've got one other lanai all decorated up. I thought about decorating mine too, as I do sometimes, but I don't feel like it this year. I'm seeing fewer light displays this year for some reason.

We keep the lights up by the office for a couple of months during the winter, as it helps people see the walkway and stairs better. We had one manager who used to put lights up in the pool area too, which was cool, since they reflected in the water.

I'm good with holiday cheer and decor, but I draw the line at religious literature ON the registration desk, let alone anywhere in the office with is common area owned by all. This new manager will get the picture soon enough about what is cool and what is not.

Just after the new year, we get Santa who comes to stay in my building for 6 weeks every year. I join all our snow birds for cocktail hour by the pool sometimes, especially the night they usually set aside for photos with Santa. Last year, Santa forgot his hat and had to borrow mine for the photo shoot, haha! Everyone needs a photo with Santa in his shorts on vacation!


I feel that the point of "Happy Holidays" is not to wage war on Christmas but to include the nearly 40 other different celebrations at this time of year. A few carols in moderation are fine along with "Fairytale in New York" and even "Here Comes the Sun" (it is the solstice). To be fair, the UK does not have God-nazis to the extent that you guys have to endure but I do see political posters on our noticeboard put there by my neighbours which I tend to let slide.


Oh, Julie...I'm sorry these people have access to your building! You might try my technique....let them introduce themselves and then say..."I have a question for you." Watch them get erections or begin breathing hard. Then...ask...."Where in your babble does it say that you have the right to interrupt my precious privacy with your religious bullshit?"

Slam your door!

Well, they're not at my door, they are employees of our homeowners association, putting religious documents and playing religious music in the lobby where we all go to get our mail, and guests check in for their vacation. I feel it should be a happy yet secular place, for all the many different people who come through the doors.

The person who most likely keeps doing this must have gotten the message, as he came to where I was several times this afternoon, and never looked up with a smile and greeting as he usually does. Saw a big cross on a chain around his neck, first time seeing that, so I guess he needs to express his religion. I get that.

I probably just made an enemy with my complaint, but I do look forward to expressing my views that he's welcome to express his personal views with his jewelry, clothing, bumper stickers, etc., but not in the office/lobby that I help pay for, while he's on duty with the salary that I help pay for.

I hope it blows over, perhaps after the holidays. I just have to stand my ground, and the religious nuts need to keep trying to spread their word.

Thinking of putting a wreath on my door that has messages such as "Axial Tilt, the real reason for the season" and maybe some of the values I live by. I can put whatever I want on my door - and so can he - but the office/lobby should be a neutral place. The religious divide is not fun.

Lucky for me, because I live in a mostly resort area, we don't get door knockers, trick or treaters, traveling salesmen, etc. Once in a while census workers to those who don't fill out their forms.


Do you show up to the HOE meetings? That would be the place to complain and change things.

Yes, I go to the HOA meetings. I was on the board of directors for 10 years myself. I stepped down when I began to get cruelly discriminated against by the other board members and the manager at the time. (Due to my atheist/agnostic religious stance.) I endured 6 years of harassment and mistreatment before I finally got some help in standing up to it. (Threatened a law suit and that got their attention!)

Things have been going fairly well since then, when I speak up about things that are discriminatory, action is taken to remedy it. As was the case this past week.

We have a new set of managers (apparently religious) and I'm finding I need to speak up when I see things are not as they should be. I live on property, and there are a few board members who are here this month as well.

Speaking up immediately to the one board member who knows the history of my experiences is the quickest way to but a stop to things before things get too set. I'm just having flashes of what it was like a decade ago when my wish for equality and inclusiveness was railed against. I was met with derogatory remarks and even the president of the board telling me (in my own kitchen) that I should be in jail for performing weddings on the beach instead of in a church. Trying not to go that far backward this time around.


There’s something to be said for Krampus or Baphomet as a counter but that might be a bit much.


I try not to be too in your face and enjoy any reason for a party. I will correct their misconceptions when they confront me. Mary was 14-16 when she gave birth, does that make your god a child molester? Outside the bible what proof do you have? You do realize that sheep lamb in the spring, not the dead of winter?

Yeah, I've been coming up with all kinds of things to say, if given the right opportunity to say something about believing in reality, the natural seasons of the year, human connection in an inclusive way, rather than creating discord, etc.

@backtobasics Love the meme!


Is littering or leaving trash in public places against the HOA rules? Can you (the HOA) fine them for that?

Usually that is the case, but like all organizations that tolerate favoritism and hypocrisy, the manager or some of the board members are also Bible-thumpers, they will conveniently ignore violations of their own rules, if those are committed by members of their tribe..

Haha! Actually, we passed a rule that no literature at all should be displayed in the office/lobby, but lately we have been letting some tour/activity companies display their brochures. That's a far cry from religious literature. I'm dealing with it best I can. I don't think I'd better call this fellow's religious booklets trash to his face, haha!

I could suggest we put it in the restroom in case we run out of TP? Haha! No, better not.


Fortunately I have few neighbors and there are few HOA's here (the few that are are often about property boundaries as there are a lot of easements and shared driveways. Also, this county is very liberal and there are very few religious extremists. However, this might be the time these people are coming out of the woodwork. They feel their mission (Christian Nationalism) is paramount and they will be out in force.

When I was growing up with a Catholic father we were sent to parochial school and were told such things as 'pride' is a serious sin and therefore one must not wear their religious faith on their sleeve. With all the Catholic missionaries in the world this was my first example of religious hypocrisy.


You are doing it right. The problem is that the Christian believers think their book tells them to proselytize and share their faith. In fact, the book tells them it is their duty to do this and damned near all of them believe it. The Evangelicals are the worst.

Yes, I'm coming to the conclusion that perhaps this new manager belongs to a church where proselytizing is part of their faith.


You are doing a great job. Keep it up.

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