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What do you to make yourself feel sexy?

Redcupcoffee 7 May 9

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Cheez! I don't do anything. I actually make a conscious effort to look not sexy cuz I don't want people attracted to me for the wrong reason. "Sexiness" is temporary and then what? See why many relationships are doomed from the very beginning?


I have never felt sexy at any point in my entire life. ?


Listen to music such as:
Alice Cooper's "Is It My Body"
Rod Stewart's "Da Ya Think I'm Sexy?" (Tiny Tim's cover is pretty good too haha)
Any song from Gunther & The Sunshine Girls


Is this really a “thing”??


Look in the mirror ! (I jest of course ?).


Uh, I dress in lounge clothes; jeans, an Under Armour shirt, Nikes, sunglasses, and I do my hair nicely. Now I will wear shorts.


Has been so long.
Usually after a good day out doors, lots of exercise,
long shower, great meal, stunning company and I feel great.


Work out and diet. Have a good hair day. Dress up as Dr. Frank N Furter. The usual stuff.


I don't know that I do anything specifically to feel sexy. That being said, my husband tells me at least once per day (usually many times) how beautiful/sexy I am. I usually tell him that he needs his eyes checked, but it does make me feel pretty good about myself.


Well you look gorgeous & sexy! Maybe try a glass of wine to make you feel that way!


I never felt sexy as a woman..ever, being a partial transmale.

But, as an androgyne (mixed gender traits), I used to enjoy gender switching roles and mild S&M with my ex (a 6'1" airline pilot and former Navy pilot and engineer), and would wear costumes that pleased him. In return, he'd dress as a male Las Vegas stripper, which he resembled anyway.

He bought me a Catwoman outfit replica, so I'd don long, spike heel boots, crack the fake leather leather whip, he'd start the Barry White CD, and I'd play a "dom."
He loved it, and even I got into it, because afterward he'd do a strip show for me.

Sounds like you had a fabulous time. ?


I have a party suit. It's white, with a fine turquoise and yellow check pattern and a matching turquoise satin lining. It was made in the 70's by JC Penny and I have a matching trilby made of proper rabbit fur felt of the same vintage. It makes me feel pimptastic, and I've worn it to everything from painfully hip nightclubs to warehouse raves to death metal gigs, and it always gets complements.


I have a party suit. It's white, with a fine turquoise and yellow check pattern and a matching turquoise satin lining. It was made in the 70's by JC Penny and I have a matching trilby made of proper rabbit fur felt of the same vintage. It makes me feel pimptastic, and I've worn it to everything from painfully hip nightclubs to warehouse raves to death metal gigs, and it always gets complements.


I wear a wool mix Saville Row Henry Poole tailored bespoke suit. Handmade Italian leather shoes.
Double cuff double stitch shirt with a waist coat.
Expensive wolf cufflinks. I shave and moisturize and use a little Terre D'Hermes Au de Parfum Cologne . A silk tie. And a smile.


I dance salsa, blues, jazz, r&b, bachata, merengue, swing, foxtrot, tango beyond my age expectations! I can dance all night long! That I can top it up with a poem or a song is just... Radical along with my criminal collection of killer shoes! I am still a cool cat.


I take my shirt off and grab some chewing tobacco.

No, just kidding. I use my sense of humor.


Nothing! I don't feel sexy lol!


First I unsnap my elaborate set of pulleys and trusses which had my back straight and my gut taught. Then I pull off my hook and snap on my pleasurin' hand ...


Mostly a beautiful lady mind and body that will let me please her 100% lay back and relax . I hit this under control.


When I'm wearing the lengeree!!

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