Zionism fits.
Or are European heritage white Jews going to complain that's anti semitic whilst they remove the indigenous semitic population?
The "Western" colonisers supremacy is coming to an end.
I would go with that. But not too sure about the last line.
@Fernapple It's the "vibe". Our Western culture was arguably superior mere decades ago. The USA was the shinning light, showing the way and inspiring non-Western nations. People wanted to emulate Western democracy's.
But now? We no longer inspire, we bully. Ukraine & Israel tore the moral mask off and showed us for what we are, what we stand for, which morally is nothing. We don't respect sovereignty and the right of other cultures to determine their own fates. We don't attract lesser nations now, we repulse. It had been brewing for awhile but after the sanctioning and moral lecturing of Russia for invading a smaller country, what happens when Palestinians resist the Israeli occupation, as Ukrainian's resist the Russians? The moral hypocrisy of the "West" has been exposed for all to see. BRICS grows in stature as a result.
By "we" I mean the royal "we" eg our nation states that make up "The West" ie Western Europe, UK, USA, Canada, Australia, NZ, Sth Korea & Japan. I may have missed some but former "West", like Sth Africa and even places like Malaysia, Indonesia and especially the Philippines, are firmly leaning towards the BRICS camp now. As are Arab Western allies. Who knows what the Turks are doing.
I would strongly argue that the last Western European colony was Israel. That is failing and hopefully taking the whole colonising mentality with it. No more controlling/ exploiting lesser nations for their resources so bad luck the capitalist West, BRICS is coming ie a multipolar world where none nor a few nations get to dictate their will on others. Our societies will be pissed off, but the vast majority will rejoice.