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Is it just me or is Colbert giving Drump a pass on reneging on the Iran deal?..

Charlene 9 May 10

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I did not think so


Dunno..he seemed to be ridiculing him.

"You literally just backed out of an American promise": Colbert blasts Iran deal withdrawal []

I saw it,buut, he only tore it up for 5 minutes..maybe it's me...

@Charlene I think it depressed him too much. It sure would me. I can barely watch the news anymore.
The weird thing is, the orange psycho seems able to deal with other psychos, like Kim Jung Hyun. I guess he speaks their crazy.

@birdingnut indeed


eee idk, have firetv... :/ if you have a link to the spot tag me. I'd be really disappointed in him giving dump a pass for anything, you sure he wasn't doing his reverse trolling thing? I love SC so much... That wit, those eyes, those EYEBROWS.GAH swoons

I know, right?.. He damn near get my knickers wound up!


I'll save that for tomorrow or I won't get ANY sleep.

Emme Level 7 May 10, 2018

Ok..what time this morning did you reply? may have been "tomorrow" already.

Ya, it was morning, but now..there's even more 45 shit hitting the fan. I'm sure b4 the day is out, I'll have a freaking batshit crazy, ass on fire, rabid rant or two.

@Emme stop watching MSM news..ulcers are Baaad!

That damned Twatter too!

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