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If there is an infinite universe, there are infinite possibilities, which means that anything you can imagine exists somewhere.


I believe that in infinite space there could be multiple universes. Why not? However, I do NOT believe that there would be any HUMAN connection between any of them. Like the religious, most people tend to overemphasize the importance of of humans. We are but a tiny, tiny, TINY insignificant speck in the universe. I like this quote from the article:

Max Tegmark of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, as quoted in the 2012 article. "I really believe that there is this universe out there that can exist independently of me that would continue to exist even if there were no humans."


I haven't read it yet just got it in my email..


Fascinating - Thanks for posting.


Since i believe in the theory of Branes I also have to believe that there is at least one other universe otherwise the big bang could not occur.


Interesting breakdown


"Around 13.7 billion years ago, simply speaking, everything we know of in the cosmos was an infinitesimal singularity. Then ... some unknown trigger caused it to expand and inflate in three-dimensional space. "
Science of space requires so much conjecture.
Don't get me started on the mythical Dark Matter (eye roll).

The terms Dark Matter & Dark Energy are sort of placeholders for some observed phenomenon that don't have a full explanation yet. Of course, there's conjecture, but we fill in a piece at a time. That's how science works!

@phxbillcee if you're good with that then okay.
Seems like the tail is wagging the dog.


I'm too tired on my friday after work to go into but parallel universes make a lot of sense to me. I'm no scientist tho.


It would be nice to be cognizant of that parallel universe and be able to jump back and forth from the fucked up one to the other one

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