Are you a difficult woman?
I am a helluva difficult woman and I have raised three of them. You're welcome, world.
I think the word "difficult" is an individual's perception of the word. It would be like asking if someone was normal. My answer would be totally different from yours as well as everybody else's. If not agreeing with others who labels someone as difficult, then that's not my problem. And, on a final note, Katherine Hepburn was a trail blazer for women.
I'm calling out the misogyny on this National Geographic article.
Since when is doing your own thing being difficult?
I'm guessing the author feels disquiet when thinking about women in the world who are not content to spend their whole lives in the kitchen making sandwiches.
I can imagine the brilliant Frida Kahlo sticking one finger up to that article and laughing.
The title! It's blazingly obvious.
The whole discussion is framed around the concept of 'difficult'.
It is offensive to me that women who've lived their lives on their own terms are labelled 'difficult' whilst men are not. Googling sexism in National Geographic, it seems to be a thing.