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Missionary early arrivals almost destroyed the indigenous culture and art here in Alaska according to a presentation I heard this morning. Totem poles were family histories, but mistaken as hesthen religious symbols and the art form almost destroyed.

EVgeorge 5 May 16

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As a native Hawaiian I've seen the damage they've done. Their sons were worse they disenfranchised the Hawaiians and stole their country out from under them.


And Fox News is whining about Christianity being attacked by atheism.


I do not support missionaries...if they were there to help with health or food/water shortages fine, but they are there to ‘save souls,’ mostly and in the process, disrupt cultures!


Missionary ism is designed to destroy existing cultures that are considered inferior. Still goes on today. Sick.


What missionary is not on a mission?


Much of it was destroyed, sad to say.

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