And I'm already seeing the thoughts and prayers all over Facebook ... will our governments ever act?
Tots&pears....yeah well..
No, I don't think the government will do anything about it.
It's nauseating. Offering prayers to a god who let it happen.
Don't you know...... guns don't kill people. People kill people. (end sarcasm)
I tell you what; when guns sprout legs and learn how to shoot themselves, I'll believe that drivel. Until then, we need reasonable gun control. I'm sick and tired of children getting killed just because some 2nd amendment gun nut believes their right to bear arms is more important than our children.
The "government" that you speak of is doing exactly what the parents that voted them into the office of these dead kids wants them to do.
Things are going exactly as planned.
The dead kids are merely collateral damage and an inconvenience but that's a small price to pay for having guns and all the protection and security they provide us.
Seems to me you approve of all these shootings ?
The opposite. But there is truth there. Do you care or even notice the children our bombs and munitions kill all around the world? We call them collateral damage and move on. Trying to understand the minds of the people that support our second amendment. Maybe they think like this.
What makes our kids more valuable than kids in countries we bomb?