Congress Can Remove Trump From Office
November We Must Vote Democratic
The thought of impeachment is far-fetched. If the democrats regain the House and vote for impeachment, the Senate will never get the 2/3 votes to impeach. Actually, the GOP looks to pick up a Senate seat or two this November. There are just too many Democratic Senators up for reelection.
I prefer to select my President in the ballot box. There are many changes that need to occur at the Federal level. I would also point out this President has given all of us the opportunity to identify and correct the numerous failures in Washington D.C.
I for one do not place much hope in a Pope Pence Presidency.
VOTE! Staying home is also a vote ya know!
Great point!
I almost never vote Rep; they generally don't line up with my political views. I have no issues voting Dem, but recently they're becoming just as corrupt (or close).
If voting Independent wasn't seen as so much of a "wasted vote" I'd probably feel much better voting for someone not in either of the "establishment" candidates.