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Does anyone else talk aloud to themselves? I do and when my wife asks who I'm talking to I tell her I'm having the most intelligent conversation I've had all day

tymtravler 6 May 19

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I say the same thing to myself! I very rarely ever steer myself wrong.



I regularly address my thoughts to the most intelligent person around.


Yes ,unfortunately curse words.

Christ in a sidecar, I'm Australian - nothing wrong with curse words with me.


I got into the practice after I got a divorce and I was left with the company of my dog. I talked out loud to him a lot, and when he, sadly, left this world, I continued to talk with no audience in attendance. I think it's therapeutic. Gets the two brain hemispheres connecting with each other.


Lol yeah, I talk to myself too.. I even catch myself saying things I should've said in old arguments. This one time the security officer where I work caught me talking to myself, so I pretended to be singing a song but I don't think it fooled her.




Lol, it reminds me of the old joke:
Therapist: Do you enjoy sex?
Patient: Well, with myself, yeah!


I do this all the time. I talk to myself and then I talk to my cat and she just meows at me. Lol! I have to talk to myself as I think through a process or I'm just sitting there doing things. In fact, I'm doing it now. Ha ha!


I talk to myself and my cat, only the two of us here.


I have been known to talk to myself.


Hah! When a co-worker burps, I tell them that's the most sensible thing they have said all day!

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