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I love reading (listening) to Audible books. I'm currently listening to Red Sparrow and I'm thoroughly enjoying it (the book is always better than the movie). I was hoping that after watching the movie the book would entertain all over again and it hasn't let me down.

Have any of you read a really good book lately.? What are you reading right now?

cj2075 5 May 19

Enjoy being online again!

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Mistborn trilogy (Series?) If you haven't read it yet, is on audible. And I highly reccomend.

Currently reading the wheel of time by Jordan. It's great and has been on my list to read for a good long while now.


Yes, A.G. Riddle's series: "Pandemic" and "Genome".

I've just started an older series (same author): "The Atlantis Gene".

Zster Level 8 May 20, 2018

Putting in my good read list. 🙂


"Fire and Fury" is my current audiobook.

Deb57 Level 8 May 20, 2018

I just finished Sapiens by Yuval Noah Harari. Loved it. Lots of little interesting facts. Also listened to Letter To A Christian Nation by Sam Harris. Short, but also good. Also recently finish God is Not Great by Christopher Hitchens. Very good but brutally honest when speaking about the atrocities committed by the church. Currently listening to The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins. Very blunt and unapologetic about his disdain for all religions.

@BlueEyesDallasTX I finished Sapiens recently on Audible too! Great book. There are many interviews and debates with Yuval Noah Harari on youtube that you might be interested in. I have the other books you mentioned in my wishlist on Audible!

@srikanth I'll have to look those YouTube videos up. Lately I've really been trying to learn more about the history/evolution of humans and the ways religion and mythology have cone into play. I want more facts in my life! Thanks! Let me know if you come across any other great books!

@BlueEyesDallasTX another member had suggested The Naked Ape by Desmond Morris. I am planning on reading it next

@srikanth Thanks!


I have never used audio books.

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