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I swear, I can't stand it when people try to tell me that this country (USA) was founded upon Christian principles. NO IT WASN'T!!! They never said that! In fact, they never wanted religion to be involved in politics. However, nowadays, they march that stuff right on in.

This dude tried to tell me that he did not like it when someone who was an Atheist would scream "Oh my god!" in a crises. Unbeknownst to him, I was one of the people he was talking about. So I said to him, "Uh, I never scream out to God in a crisis because what is the point? If that same God allowed the crisis to happen, then what the hell is he going to do for me now? He's allowing this to happen, so he must not be that powerful." He shut right up.

I can't stand that crap.

CatiValti23 6 May 19

Enjoy being online again!

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"Land of the free and home of the brave" . Constitution largely based on Scottish ideals.... Your welcome America ?


God allowed the crisis to happen, then what the hell is he going to do for me now? He's allowing this to happen, so he must not be that powerful." He shut right up. " I'm surprised he shut up when you said that...I say it all the time to godbots and 99% of them respond with "That's SATAN! Not god" How convenient!!

Xena Level 6 June 7, 2018

Then I'd respond with, "God created Satan, so technically, he did do it."


They stop arguing when you reply back with logic.

Trod Level 5 May 21, 2018

No they don't. They double down.


I get annoyed with those who say "bless you". And for all the reasons you can think of.

I get annoyed by this one too - Its like they are choosing the ending of a conversation and the tone as well

See, this is a Southern thing that I can't get out of when someone sneezes. It's automatic. Lol! I don't really think anything of it, but the whole "bless you" or "be blessed" before departing is annoying. I also hate when I ask how someone is and they say, "blessed and highly favored." I cringe.


I’m with you on that! I can’t stand it, either. Damn Bible is corrupt and evil as hell!!!


I agree, If you need /want more info on this, I've created a 14+ minute YouTube video that does a point-for-point comparison between the Bible and the U.S. Constitution.

"Is the US Constitution Based on the Bible?"

Oooooh! I will definitely watch this! Thank you!


and, while we're at it, can someone please take "In gawd we trust" OFF of our money??

...and everywhere else.


Good for you! I was talking to my 84 year old aunt who is agnostic and she thinks that religion is more rampant now than ever before and she would know! She has some great stories!

I think people have lost their way in the world it's true and it's a lazy way to turn to the supernatural rather than think for ones self or take responsibilities for their actions.


This country was stolen, STOLEN LAND. The Land of Opportunity.... opportunity to steal the land.


I have several quotes from the founding fathers writings printed out. The country was most definitely not founded on Christian principles. I don't believe some of them were believers.


Exactly! One reason it was founded was freedom FROM religion.

But no, they decided to carry on with Protestantism because they didn't like the Catholic Church. Goodness. It's funny how that transpired.


My experience has been that most people who believe the USA was founded on Christianity are getting it from books written by their fellow Christians who cherry pick what original documents they can to support the viewpoint they're selling ("God-ordained" Dominionist/white supremacist viewpoints more often than not, unfortunately). Because these books (selectively) quote original documents, readers assume that they are well researched and factual. They're honestly not aware of the breadth of other sources that contradict what they're reading, and confirmation bias keeps them from going looking.

I like recommending Sex and the Constitution (Geoffrey Stone) to these people, given the opportunity. It's primarily a secular examination of the effect of Christianity on sexual laws and mores from Augustine until modern US times (which is fascinating in and of itself), but it also spends a lot of time covering the founding father's actual relationship with religion.

I will be adding that to my Audible account. Thanks for the recommendation.

Stop piling books on my TBR pile! Lol! Jeez! You're giving me some cool things to check out!

My bad. 😀


YES! And if it were... We are far from it today anyway because they likely meant love thy neighbor and the like. Not the shit we call christian behavior these days.


They have selective memory or I guess our education system has gotten that bad and they want to make it worse by adding bible classes to public school curriculum. This religious shit is going too, too far.

Ah, hell no! That would be horrible!!


Someday this country will be completely secular, its just a matter of when...

I will be dead IF it ever happens.

@Presley1209 likely I will be dead too. I didn't day it will happen in my life time. Just look at the trend over the span of time. We are coming from the savage days when everything was justified with Gods towards the era where communication of the masses keep spreading the awakening and eventually with this development will keep loosing leverage until one day.."the rapture" and it will be gone forever. There will be books (in whatever format available at the time) where people will learn about this things the very same way we all learn today about the Dark Ages. Again, its just a matter of when...

Yeah, I really hope that will happen. Common sense shall prevail if we let it.

@CatiValti23 it will take time but, it will happen and nothing can stop it


Nice retort! Think I'll borrow it next time.

Thank you! 🙂


So, how do you REALLY feel? LoL
Article 11 of the Treaty of Tripoli signed by the US was to make it clear, primarily to the Muslims during the Barbary Wars, that we are NOT a xtian nation, mostly to avoid pirating.
Now...feel better? Good to get that sh#t off your chest sometimes, right?✌

Hutch Level 7 May 19, 2018

Yes, it feels wonderful! He he! I appreciate this information and shall keep this handy for the next battle. LOL! I feel like I'm playing Tekken.

Atheist vs Christian


I can't believe people actually believe america was founded on christian crap. it wasn't, infact we have church and state seperation becuase our founding fathers were afraid of the church getting into government.

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