I always find it funny when people tell me that "God gave me a second chance at life" after I suffered from my stroke in 2013... i do take a bit of offense to it and also laugh it off and tell them that a big part of me doesn't see it that way.
I also find it ... i wouldn't say amusing, but i guess more of a (to quote Jordan B. Peterson) "aha, gotcha!" Moment when these people say "But he saved you! He spared you! How can you not believe in him?" And I refute it with "well why is it your God that saved me... maybe it was Allah, or Odin, or mother nature??" And when they say it's not possible because they don't believe those gods exist, I reply by telling them that they now know my answer.
Seriously.. people who suffer from life traumas/disabilities/etc have a very rough life. There are days you just think of ending it, because so much rides against you. When you have a never-ending impairment, a life-long ailment that'll be with you until the day you die.. those days you feel emasculated, useless, worthless..
"But God saved you!"
Really? Did he really save me?
I'd hardly call living day to day with the full numbers and loss of senses as being "saved". The trauma of physical impairments, loss of functionality physically & mentally that you had so finely sharpened before the trauma... learning and finding ways to rebuild yourself from damn-near ground zero could be looked at as a fresh start, sure.. if I was a newborn child with no life experiences as baggage to remind me of what I once was and had.
To say "God spared/saved me".. with this? No.
I don't buy it.
My heart goes out to you. I can relate to a certain extent with your misery as I have deLt with a lifelong cardiac condition... I was saved by medical science as a baby... and it continues to this day. But it sounds like you’re going through much worse day to day. I don’t understand why ppl who believe in a God (Christians are the worst) feel they have a right, or even duty, to be oblivious of other’s beliefs and simply force their religion onto others. Those same ppl would be hopping mad if we turned it around and forced our beliefs on them. I try to be nice in turning them away, but religious folks seem to think that because they’re on a mission from “God” it gives them license to be as pushy and invasive as they want. I think there’s not much difference between religions and cults. Get better my friend.
Your biology saved you, man. God had nothing to do with it.
I'm glad you made it.
I'd like to think that the universe gave you that second chance - no small thing, given the indifference the Great Everywhere usually displays to life forms everywhere.
Glad you're still with us
I had a stoke in 2015. I have made a full recovery. When people told me God saved me I would quickly say no! Science and modern medicine saved me. Skilled doctors and nurses saved me. And my sheer determination to recover fully saved me.
Assholes ugh..
why did the fucking wanker give you the stroke in the first place?
@MARDUK yes this God thing is such a twat
@MARDUKI agree as well as overpopulation and greed