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I recently went from Christian to Atheist as things just made a hell of a lot more sense as I listened to The Atheist Experience and The Thinking Atheist. And then the bullshit that theists tried to sweep under the rug as well as theists just sounding like brainwashed idiots was enough for me to change over as I cannot condone any of that. Plus I love what Atheists fight for as well as their beliefs. Thank you. 🙂

MiguelGuerra 4 May 22

Enjoy being online again!

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The human nature, this world, the universe cannot be explained in one book. Theist lack books... you need more books in your life.


Be Well


Try How to Heretic

It is largely from an wx-mormon point of view but they are very good.


"Buh buh buh but the bible says so"...finally get to say fuck that shit.


Congratulations on switching over! There's a great podcast called How to Heretic which is targeted at newly escaped atheists. But if you're looking for a balls-out, in-your-face, middle finger to religiosity have a listen to The Scathing Atheist!


Welcome. We are glad you are here.

It took many years for me to become atheist but the main reason has to do with the many defective "holy books" and how they prove nothing. Gods are imaginary.


If you want to explore your atheism while laughing, I recommend Cognitive Dissonance podcast or The Scathing Atheist podcast. Both are funny and articulate when it calls for it.


Be careful listening to charismatic people who claim to have all the answers. History will prove those people are dangerous to society.

Try to take a few steps back, hit a library and read some books. The internet is a treasure trove of both valid information and misinformation with a whole lot of sensationalism and bias thrown in.

It’s human nature to find patterns even when there aren’t any, and fall into social orders either leading or following, with the vast majority following. You follow someone in your life most likely. We feel comfortable when others make decisions and we can veg out on autopilot.

It’s time to lead. Lead yourself. And take your time before making life-changing decisions. That’s my two cents. Take it how you will. Either way, welcome to the other side and we’re here to help.

Deemo Level 4 May 22, 2018

You're welcome and welcome! ?
Glad the lightbulb went on for you ?
Maybe drop a line and thank the Atheist Experience


Welcome. Always nice to make a new acquaintance.

Tilia Level 7 May 22, 2018

Congratulations on avoiding the agnostic step on the way and landing fully on your feet. 🙂 Seriously though, it must represent a big change in your outlook and views. I hope the transition was not too difficult. This is good place to be.

Hey agnosticism isn't a stop along the way. It is a legitimate stance all its own.

From a very young age, I never felt like church or religion was something that I felt at place with-if that makes sense. But I went to church because my mom went.... Didn't really do much for me. But after hearing all the Pat Robertsons spewing nonsensical BS about things and people that they know nothing about just to strum up fear and hatred for a quick buck, and when I came out as gay, I really noticed the hatred disguised as "unconditional love" that they claimed to preach. But, it's the atheists who truly hold unconditional love too it's test and put their money where their mouths are. ❤

@Blindbird Well, yes, that's true, but I can't think of anyone I've known who has gone from being an atheist to being agnostic. It always seems the progression is the other way.

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