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Do you get bored often?

Children I met in the US used to puzzle me when they said they were "bored" or needed "something to do."

I was thrilled for any spare time I got when I was a kid, growing up in the 1950s-60s on our mission in Haiti, with American parents.

I used to get up at 5 a.m. to ride my Haitian mustang stallion, Lightning, before school, then after doing our music request programs at the radio station, I climbed trees, jumped rope, and read books-often while lounging high in a kanep tree, eating kaneps.

There were no Little League baseball rules when I was growing up; I was pitcher/catcher/outfielder for our "Charlie Brown" baseball team.

We MKs (missionary kids) all played "kick the can" at school, and "the wolf and the pigs" around the mission houses at night.

Even now, I carry a tablet everywhere I go-even to the movie theater, so I can read a Kindle book if I have to wait.

There are always birds and wildlife to photograph, animal tracks to ID, things to get done, so it's difficult to be bored.

At night at our farm near Morehead, KY, there were meteors to watch, constellations to be seen from the screen tent, where my husband and I camped by the horse pasture all year around.

Off and on all night, I'd listen to great Horned Owls hooting, Yellow-billed Cuckoos calling, raccoons fighting, and red and grey foxes barking. At sunrise we see the owl/hawk changing of the guard to the daylight predator set.

birdingnut 8 May 22

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I always tell my son "if you're bored you're boring." Use your brain!


No, I want to be bored though. There is such a thing as the wrong kind of excitement.
I used to get bored as a kid and got myself into allll kinds of messes because of it being a feral creature.
Your childhood sounds like a dream.
So much has changed since we were growing up. Most of it due to the economy & "stranger danger", and of course the internet. ... cell phones.

If kids aren't kept busy & enriched they will find their own ways of "occupying their time" ...


I can meditate.
As well I'm a drummer so I can always tap along to the music in my head.
Boredom isn't worth the time.


I don't get bored but I may be boring to others. I can sit at the kitchen table for an hour staring out the back patio doors just watching birds on the feeder and animals in the yard, Always something to do around the house. Have my PC games which are ones that require thinking for building cities or amusement parks and long adventure stories. Finally there are movies if I just want to be entertained. Would seem to me if someone states they are bored, they are unhappy and unable to enjoy what they have.


I've got a louis ck meme for this


Bored was not a word mentioned when I was a child because if my Mom heard that word she would find you something to do.

Mine also. Quickest way to be assigned extra chores, if I'd ever done such a thing as complain about being bored.


If you truly become aware of your boredom, you can not be bored. Doing external activities to relieve from boredom definitely works, but working within can strengthen even further. However, I think we love to get bored sometimes. May be it's a switch for pushing yourself to do something interesting.


I am rarely bored. When the small humans start complaining about their "boredom", I'm on that like white on rice.
I will redirect and get them doing something else.
If they refuse to do anything, I explain to them that they are not "bored", they're just being "lazy". It's not that there isn't anything to do, they just don't want to do anything. There is a difference. Sometimes, they hate me. LOL 😛


I think kids get 'bored' for a couple of reasons. Firstly, I don't think kids nowadays know how to be alone with themselves. They have always been entertained with new toys new electronics or just having somebody constantly there to be with them. Everyone needs to be comfortable with themselves and not depend on the outside world. Secondly I think many of them equate being stationary with boredom. Sitting on a phone, playing games or sitting in front of a screen all day long gets tiresome thus boredom.


As an adult, I become board super easy. Any where from my job to my personal life. I get board at my own home, but usually I can find something to do to keep my mind occupied. If I go and spend time with my family cuz their kid has a birthday party, I can hear the clock making the tic toc sound (sarcasm). Playing card games, horseshoes, darts, pool, bowling all boaring for me. Only jobs I can truly hold down and keep are materials handler or driving a commerical vehicle. Both jobs are a metal use kind of a job and keeps my mind busy.

I don't have single friends to speak of. I know couples, and they are always wanting me to stop by. But these couples don't stop by. Maybe it has to wirh me becoming board with their conversation? I dont3know where I am going with this paragraph.


I didn't know boredom as a kid either. Before my parents moved us to the USA, as a kid in Canada we would go for walks in forest and build things. Play in snow! We were never indoors, and used our imagination. When I moved to Texas it was way too hot to spend much time outside, at least for someone not used to it (I still can't handle being outside until the winter months here) but even indoors I never got bored. I would draw, read books and play guitar.

I do play a lot of video games now as an adult but I do so for the storytelling in them now and to admire the art. My 7 year old son is the tyoe he calls me in room to "look at this view" in fames he plays, guess he appreciates it as I do(Im an artist/graphic designer so I see it as an art form). I'm not big on cell phones. We got rules about cell phones and tablets. If you tske it out at kitchen tabke while eating dinner its getting the hammer (I have a hammer on a mounted as a joke) we make sure to turn it all off disconnect at certain times of day. And this app is closest I come to social media. Having a computer science degree makes it where I view computers as work only (besides some gaming). In our home we teach kids tech is a privilege and if they abuse it you lose it!

I do play a lot of video games now as an adult but I do so for the storytelling in them now and to admire the art. My 7 year old son is the tyoe he calls me in room to "look at this view" in fames he plays, guess he appreciates it as I do(Im an artist/graphic designer so I see it as an art form). I'm not big on cell phones. We got rules about cell phones and tablets. If you tske it out at kitchen tabke while eating dinner its getting the hammer (I have a hammer on a mounted as a joke) we make sure to turn it all off disconnect at certain times of day. And this app is closest I come to social media. Having a computer science degree makes it where I view computers as work only (besides some gaming). In our home we teach kids tech is a privilege and if they abuse it you lose it!


I always did my homework in class if I could.. Had plenty of things I wanted to do other than homework. Never understood the I am bored, so just not going to do it mindset..


No boredom on my end. Kids now days just stay on cell phones or in front of video games.


No wonder kids today are bored. Often they are placed in front of televisions to be entertained by mind numbing stuff. I also find it strange how few kids play out of doors any more


Never got bored in my childhood but I was always using something called an imagination... Something today's kids no longer have in the age of technology.

I'm constantly having to come up with new ways to get my kids to go outside and when they do go outside they complain of being bored.

It's sad how much the newer generations have lost all interest in nature and the beauty (and fun) of the outdoors.

I remember back when my kids were five and eight years old, my family and some cool in-laws were at the Smithsonian, going crazy looking at all the cool stuff. My kids were almost hysterical seeing all their favorites..the Hope diamond, the first airplanes, when we passed a group of teenagers lounging on the staircase up to the ceiling displays.

As we passed, we heard one girl say, "So what are we going to do? I'm so BORED!"

My "aunt in law," husband, kids and I exchanged glances, then we all burst into suppressed laughter.
For years afterward, we would joke that we were "so bored" when in an exciting place.

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