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Jailing those who speak the truth.

This is what happens when governments start protecting religious ideas.

FYI:::: muslims are NOT a race.

The Tommy Rovinson Interviews:
EXCLUSIVE: Lauren Southern Breaks Silence on Detention under the Terrorism Act

The Tommy Robinson Interview That Got Me Banned From The U.K.

JacarC 8 May 23

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Either are the Judaics


It won't be long.

Coldo Level 8 May 23, 2018

Oh no Tommy Robinson of right wing hate group fame? EDL? Currently languishing at her majesty's pleasure in prison. You lose all credibility

you should learn about what really happened.

Your reactions reflect that you have not researched any of what you "think."

@Jacar I know exactly what happened. I live here. This man preached Islamophobia of the worst kind. He called ALL muslim men paedophiles and made comments about what women choose to wear. This is not in keeping with the overall tolerant and inclusive nature of the British people. He was told to desist he refused to do so. He got what he deserved


I wouldn't give either the time of day...or free advertising.

A clear example of the regressive left. To not only refuse to listen, but attempt to censor. That is not what classic liberalism proposes.

If you listen you can at least say you did. If you don't listen, you have no standing.

@Jacar I listened. I listened to both. I listened to the tedium that is the idiot young journalist and the racism that is Tommy Robinson. And, I've heard Tommy Robinson before and am aware of his politics.

Tommy Robinson speaks to hate and that is his audience. Until he renounces hate, there is nothing he could say that I would value. Again, you're giving free advertising to hate.

@crazycurlz Absolutely right on


What is a race?


Sounds like Guantanamo Bay and a Muslim Ban...


Isn't that what dictators do?


You are right Muslims is not a race. Neither are all Muslims the same, just like Christians.

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