The biggest reason I will not vote Democrat Is because I will not give up my guns.
The 2nd amendment was put in just so we could take out an over reaching government that meas we are entitled to own and keep fully automatic weapons of the same quality as our military
The courts have ruled that the right to bear arms does not include military grade weapons. If in the impossible circumstance of an “overreaching government” you really think you can stand up to trained soldiers, then good luck! And do some more drugs while you’re at it! Your delusions need fuel!
Reading about, Shays rebellion and the Whiskey rebellion would probably shed some light on your argument.
Owning fire ams is a privilege, not a right.
You people keep saying that, but you never commit. Now's the time, kids! Chop chop!
Actually, no it does not. There is nothing absolute about th Second Amendment. As with the other nine "Rights," the courts have said there can be limitations on each. We are not permitted to say "anything" we want. We are not permitted to own certain firearms. The Third Amendment has not been challenged in the court yet. We have secret courts and no-knock search warrants in the Fourth. And the list goes on.
The weapons of 1798 were flint lock ad I do not think that our Fore Fathers had an idea what a multi-fire, automatic weapon was. Their weapons could shoot one round every 45-seconds if the shooter was good. Not the 750 rounds a minute for a fully automatic M-14 of today.
I use to sell firarms and own a number of hand guns. I cheish my right to own these weapons, but I also know that their use is to kill. not punch holes in paper or old cars.