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So why is it that as an atheist, I wouldn't have a problem dating a religious woman (Muslim, Christian,exc) as long as they didn't push it on me, yet the same is NOT true in reverse...

Godlessmick84 3 May 24

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Well, you know what they say about the crazy ones.
Looking the other way maybe you're not so much. Lol.


You represent a threat to their own doubt, otberwise why would they care?


It would be a sin for them to even associate with you. You know that belief thing.


Because your "lack of biblical bullshit" doesn't guide you like the biblical bullshit drives those who are theists.


Personally I could never date anyone even with a mild belief in a deity...


Too general - some will, some won't.


A thought... there would be no "sin" on your part of dating but it could potentially be a "huge sin" for the other person. The pressures the other person would face from friends and family for dating a non -believer. Having children some day and trying to figure out how to raise them. The unspoken criticism (from both people) of the the other one, i.e. "they are an idiot for not/believing in god". That last one is pretty brutal.

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