Do you have an optimizing strategy for making friends on ? Or IRL too. I've joined groups with common interests that seem to have a manageable number of people to wade through but even with this very post would my chances of getting a few quality responses have been better in my Intimacy group. I put open in relationship and women in my preferences, even though the chances of dating someone here is remote and I like being friends with men or trans people. Actually as a group, this is a huge generalization, gay men have been my most interesting conversation partners after straight women but open to dating men wouldn't be true.
I never even think about strategies for making friends, neither here on nor anywhere else, including real life.
I have met people randomly and become very good friends. On an elementary level though I thought I'd find more here than
Don't really consider it.
Just do me the best I can and let anything else stick or fall.
I can be just as open with a complete stranger as someone I've known ever since, real life or not.
'Optimising... strategy?'
'Quality responses?'
EH? ?
I think you accidentally spilled a PowerPoint presentation onto your post.
I consider science nerdiness a desirable determinate in potential social interactions
Love it ... a "Powerpoint Happens" moment .. LOL!!!