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I have long been fascinated by the concept of near death experiences. Mostly we hear about people whose NDE's are about a Christian heaven and/or, in some instances, hell. But I have recently read the experiences of members of other religions experiencing this but all within the context of their religious upbringing. Has anyone here had such an experience? And are you willing the share?

Pen-n-Ink 6 May 26

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Had to be resuscitated after being pulled from an aircraft once. Loss of blood.... as I faded out, it seemed I left my body and was able to basically view the entire scene from, say, 40 feet above the ground. Very strange. No panic or fear, just curiosity.... when I was revived I seemed to be sucked back into my physical body. I later, through some research, felt the definition of an "out of body experience" during meditation came close to describing what seemed to have happened.

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