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I'd love to move back home to Ireland. Anyone else feeling homesick?

Josephine 7 May 27

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Nope I keep seeing the local paper pop up on my newsfeed reminds me of why I left


It's a very different country now..getting very progressive in so many ways..leaving Northern Ireland behind now ..
We are really maturing into something to be proud of. ?


I just got back from Ireland, my ancestral home, and was struck by how civil the people I encountered were. I made a point of walking through every town we went to for 4-6 hours. I found the Irish to be straightforward and just delightful.


I would also like to go to Ireland - but I am not from there.


No. I'm from a non-descript small town in Nebraska. Very little to be homesick for.

Most of the people from my home town are either farmers or small business owners. Practically all are extremely religious. Not really my kind of folks.

The place ain't much to look at either. Flat planes filled with corn fields, wheat fields, bean fields and cows. The whole area smells of cow shit, which you actually get used to when you live there, but it's pretty annoying once you return after being away for awhile.

I'm perfectly happy living in the city these days, thank you very much. I've had more than my fill of small town living.


I miss swimming in lake ontario, but no...
Home is wherever I am.


No, l came from Oklahoma!


Yes, I miss Michigan and have often considered moving back. I get regular emails from with new listings. It may be too difficult to uproot my life and start over again though. Maybe one day...

dkp93 Level 8 May 27, 2018

Are you offended by Irish jokes? My colleague is from Tipporary. He told me he's going home for Christmas, I said oh, it's a long way isn't it! He did a good job of keeping his anger contained, apparently he'd heard it all before!

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