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Last night when I was about to fall asleep the angel gabriel came to me and took me up to heaven.I was worried because I was a non believer and there I saw god on a big seat with billions of people worshiping him. He said to me "So, now do you believe? I replied "I thought you knew everything? he then said "Dont be a smartass' I then said "What am I doing here?, don't I belong in hell?" God then said "There are to many non believers now because of the internet, I want you to go down there[ I was not dead] and tell people that I am real and that they do not want to go to hell because well its hell" I then asked "What is the right religion to follow?" He looked confused. He then said "Well, I want you to start a new religion." I said to him" there are thousands of religions" He then said "This will be the one true religion from now on" I then asked" How did the other people get to heaven, I mean there billions of people worshiping you right now in heaven?" God then gave the secret code to get to heaven,The new religion will be called "Faithtology123" He then made me a prophet and told me to tell everybody about this and then he said that everybody should send me all their money to make sure they all go to heaven, so everybody please send me all of your money so you can go to heaven. This is all true, why would I lie? P.S I saw L Ron Hubbard and Joseph Smith and Martin Luther there

5082gregory 7 May 30

Enjoy being online again!

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All fine and dandy but one little flaw with your story (well two actually), number one the name should be Faithology101, not 123 and secondly, where do we send the money????? ?????


WOW! May I be HIGH PRIESTESS? With gorgeous robes and a scepter? OH..and golden sandals and a wickedly decorated bra? Please?


You are funny. I know people can be fooled by you if you persist. I am happy I am an atheist. Now I am skeptic concernig dreams and prophecy.


You were dreaming. You don't get money for dreaming.


Just curious, what kind of horn did Gabriel have? Ram's horn? French horn?

Cream horn?


Damn...I had the same dream 2 weeks ago.

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