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Why doesn't god intervene when innocent children are being raped or starved? It is typically answered "god doesn't want to interfere with our free will".

At the same time religious people will say "God sent hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, floods, wild animals ect.. to punish people due to one sin or another"

So which is it, god intervenes or it doesn't? Or is it that there is no evidence for its existence.

Greenheart 7 May 31

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Trying to understand their nonsense is pointless, not even they understand the explanations they come up with.

Mea Level 7 May 31, 2018

It's brainwashing, Mea. "We love the leader, the leader is good."


To me, a great example of this was last summer when that nutjob opened fire on the Congressmen who were playing softball. One of the Congressman who was actually hit talked about how "God was looking out for him" because one of the people there was a former Army field medic. Now what the hell sense does that make? Apparently God's view is, "I'm not going to actually do anything to prevent a mentally ill person from SHOOTING AT YOU, but I'll have a medical person there to help you if you get shot. Hopefully it's not a fatal wound." How ridiculous.

I didn't hear this pearl before. You're right on, Gilbert. Like Tracie Harris says, "The difference between me and your god is that I would try to stop a child being raped if I saw it and your god would say, "Go ahead and rape that child. But when you're done, you're going to be punished."


And don't forget that one of God's main jobs is to sit there pressing that magic 'make a baby' button of his: deciding which couples get to be blessed with the gift of life and which don't. And don't forget that he sometimes presses that button in cases of rape. And sometimes presses that button in cases of incestuous child rape.

The viable possibilities as I see them now:

  1. God never existed.
  2. God did exist but no longer does.
  3. God still exists, but having created the universe, has basically been reduced to a magician who can incite bad weather, and perhaps the occasional plague.Oh, and press that magic 'make a baby' button.
  4. God still exists, but no longer cares.

There is no benevolent, all seeing, all caring, fixing things for good people and punishing bad people God. The evidence (or lack thereof) is all around us.

Ah yes, I think it was Douglas Adams, but I may be wrong, who postulated a God Of Sublime Indifference. Spot on.


The fact that god never does ANYTHING is the biggest evidence of the non-existence of any gods. People simply make it up. They have always made it up, but they lie so much that they tend to forget they are lying. I once attended a church where god needed a certain number of piano players. People even pretend that "god heals" when they are taking medicine or have surgery. Believing surgeons sometimes want to pray with you before the operation. WTF? Not me. Sorry, doc. YOU are not going to operate on me.


In short, there is no god to show up. No god hiding or insouciant or unable or unwilling to intervene. Part of the evidence for no god is precisely this. No god ever shows up or has ever shown up in the history of the universe.

insouscant, great word


Why are you expecting a non-existent deity to intervene? You know who needs to intervene? Government, law enforcement and social services, that's who. The real question is, where are they?

Nah. I'd grab my gun and meet out some justice.

@x0lineage0x Sure, like THAT's going to solve rape and starvation. You do realize it only serves to contribute to more violence on the planet (like we really need more of that ...eyeroll) and adds one more idiot to the strain on our already over-full prison population. Why not look at the bigger picture for a change?

Stop it dead in its tracks.

The best deterrence to violence is opposing violence.

@x0lineage0x May I show you to your lovely hotel room with bars on the windows and doors? You've been offered a lifetime stay with a pre-packaged meal plan and 1 hour a day at our elite exercise spa. It all comes at no expense to you, but will be grudgingly paid for by the many hardworking, taxpaying citizens in your state who would much rather see a nutjob like you off the streets than hang on to every penny of their hard earned money.

Are you saying you disagree with deadly force?

@x0lineage0x I'll let you use your critical thinking skills to answer that one for yourself. You do have some, right?

I'm done with you. A response like that makes you not worth my time, good luck to you.

@x0lineage0x Says the guy who advocates using violence against others to solve issues of rape and poverty. Who's the real waste of time here, you or me? I'll let the peanut gallery answer that one. I think I know which way they'll swing.


@x0lineage0x For what? Did you shoot at me and miss?


Because Thor and Aphrodite won't let him.

I reckon that the Norse and Greek gods are way cooler than Yahweh. They had no problem with causing a bit of grief and dealing out shit just because it amused them.

So much more fun than that apologist Jesus, who just went around making up excuses for his dad's cock ups.


It seems that the god of the new testament is just as evil and cruel as the one in the old testament.


Which is the main reason why thoughts and prayers is the most banal of sentiments.


Or we cannot understand the mind of god when they can’t explain something.

jab60 Level 6 June 1, 2018

From memory I think this is an argument that goes as follows.

If God exists then by definition that God is Omnipotent and Omniscient and would be wholly good and not be capable of evil by its own definition of existence.

  1. if there is evil happening and God chooses not prevent it then he is evil and therefore not God and does not exist
  2. If there is evil happening and God cannot prevent it then he is not Omnipotent and therefore God does not exist

To be a God that God would have to be omniscient and therefore knows beforehand that evil is going to happen so therefore see the above two but in future tense and either way God does not exist.

and if you take the general religious view that God has a plan for everything then that evil was planned that way and anything/anyone planning evil is not good and therefore God does not exist.


"Why doesn't god intervene when innocent children are being raped or starved?"

For the same reason Superman doesn't save them, both characters are fictional.




No doubt something to do with "free will". Usually is, I'm told.


God doesn't intervene when innocent children are being raped and starved for the very best reason - he isn't there.

Trying to go down the 'Oh yes - but what if he WAS there ...?' route is like 'How much wood could a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood?' A fundamentally unanswerable question.


Theists need to justify whatever happens or their belief starts to become fractured and crumble.

and god doesn't exist.


You are presupposing that “we” are our bodies. From a higher perspective, everything is happening just as it should. Nothing could be better.

Consciousness likes having a river of organisms with which to interact, but the life or death of single bodies is of no interest. Bodies are only robots.

Atheists certainly spend a lot of time arguing for their doctrine. I thought the burden of proof was all on the other side. What gives?


It's very sad?


In many ways, (even God exists) I think God is a way underachiver

IAS1 Level 5 June 1, 2018

Your views of "God" are shaped by religion - you need to separate the two. If there were a "God" the religions that have sprung up over the centuries wouldn't know any more about it than you do. People seem to be angry with "God" or the concept of "God" because of religion - it's a waste of time and energy. You're angry at a non-existent thing because clueless people told you what to think about it - doesn't make sense to me.


You are asking a question that you already know the answer to, otherwise you wouldn’t be here.


Thats not rocket science: There simply is no evidence of a god capable of intervention. Simples.


No evidence that I've seen or heard of...that can be believed anyway. They've got to find some way to justify their beliefs.


In your specific example, god must be thinking, "I see what you are doing but I will not intervene, however I will punish you later, unless of course you accept my son as your savior in which case we are good and I'll see you in paradise".


But if you're gay or pregnant, take the knee, say "Happy holidays" or a thousand other things and they will want to interfere with your free will themselves.

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