9 5

lacking initiative or strength of character; irresponsible.
synonyms: useless, worthless, incompetent, inept, good-for-nothing, ne'er-do-well;
I DON'T approve of calling anyone a name like 'cunt' but surely - when speaking of Ivanka in any political sense - feckless applies quite well.

njoy_life_2 7 June 1

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Of course, those who are outraged are also the ones who have forgotten about Roseanne Barr's colorful interpretation of the national anthem which ended with her grabbing her crotch and spitting...

Who could forget one of America's grandest moments?


30 years ago i used expletives regularly in conversation, especially when triggered or passionate about something i disagreed with. One day over dinner, a dear friend asked me why I felt i needed to swear, when I obviously had such an extensive vocabulary; i was a reporter for a daily at the time and did pride myself on my vocabulary.

She was right and I remember her words whenever i trip and revert.

English has more words than any language on our planet, so why do people need to use swear words to emphasize their opinions? I also suggest that swear words say more about the utterer than about the words, the opinion, or the subject. LOL

How I agree! I never swear - well the occasional damn maybe, but that's fuckall.

Apparently it's psychologically healthy to swear.

@Gareth Yes some believe that to be true. Much like primal scream therapy. In fact Arthur Janov's primal therapy became the pop-psychology fad in the in the 60s and 70s, but most studies have proven that it is like putting a band-aid on major injury. Such quick-fixes are always around, but if the frustration and angst are serious, screaming or swearing won't change or heal what's really wrong.

@josephr Did you read the link? It's not to fix a problem - it has beneficial social effects and it raises pain thresholds.

@Gareth Yes, i did read it, and also researched other articles on the subject to remind myself of other studies. I still don't agree with the article's conclusions, since in practice, negative societal effects far outweigh the positive.



[] : "Psychological studies have shown that context is essential in terms of harmful speech. On one hand, a study of child victims of obscene telephone calls showed that the children suffered severe psychological consequences from these calls (Larsen et al 2000). Verbal harassment and aggression has also been shown to have clear negative psychological effects (Vissing et al., 1991). On the other hand, the evidence against swearing alone is much less compelling (Jay, 2009b). As discussed above, there are many psychological studies that suggest swear words, in the appropriate context, can be beneficial when used for group unity, coherence, and general expressiveness (Jay, 2009b; Jay, 2006; Heins, 2007)."

The only piece of the story to which I can agree to a limited extent is "There’s great research coming out of Australia and New Zealand, which is perhaps not surprising, that says that jocular abuse, particularly swearing among friends, is a strong signal of the degree of trust that those friends share."

Even this conclusion must be accepted with care. As someone who has mediated 1000s of interpersonal and group-involved conflicts over my 30 year career, I have often heard how "jocular abuse" is in the eyes of the beholder. Generally, people dislike it more than appreciate such behaviour. And when conflict erupts, as it often does in groups, jocular insults often, if not always, become abusive. The same happens in many marriages as the relationships deteriorate.

But back to the article, the research which seems to have motivated the conclusions looks assumptive at best. When i read conclusion like the one in this article, the first thing I assess is the reach, whether the conclusions were imposed or derived, and the research methodologies. The fact that primates do it is only a peep-hole into human behaviour, and is certainly not conclusive. And "67 volunteers" do not a conclusive, empirical study make. LOL

I apologise for being so wordy, but abusive behaviours and their components have been a focus of my study and research for many years. I've so often seen, and still see how swearing and "insults" wrapped in supposed humour are too often manifestations of abusive intent and abusive behaviour.

well there are not too many ways to say Racist that is more ugly than Racist.

(Smothers a quiet laugh)

, @josephr, very much agree. If a complaint is directed toward any person, imo, It should be directed at the action one objects to, not the other's looks, or an arbitrary generic insult, such as "cunt".
Are we on earth to fight or to learn? (If any reason,)
It does me no credit to try to hurt another being, but occasionally, object to actions, I must.

@njoy_life_2 Exactly!


Those people who watch Bill Burr for an hour, then hear that Samantha Bee said "cunt" and suddenly they're in New Plymouth and it's 1640.

I hate that word. If said to me I would slap the person that said it.


Ridiculous Political Garbage-she is a hypocrytical bitch and uses the US Govt to enrich herself


The same people who are upset at Samantha Bee are quite on killing school children.

quite is not the word you needed there. It is the wrong word. You need the word quiet I think.

A typo is hardly worth the time it takes to argue over it.

@njoy_life_2 they do me. shut your face..

Obviously, you must be the English Tzar. My abject apologies!

@BettyColeman A Typo that passed spell check. Thanks for being the Spell Nazi.


Biologically speaking, a "cunt" is useful - a quality sorely missing in most of the trump clan.

I have read the Bible sir and in the Bible i read, that word is not used. Are you reading the Satanic Version?

@BettyColeman The most devilish version ever conceived. Note also, madam, that the bible fails to mention deoxyribonucleic acid - not even in its shortened form of DNA. 😉

Oh I apologize. You said Biologically, not Biblically. So sorry.

@BettyColeman I thought you were making a joke.... and I love humour. 🙂

@Petter I guess it is kind of funny. I feel better now.

@Petter you forget we came from the loins of Adam sir. Except me, I am a Star Child.


Ivanka Trump Kushner is a spectacularly successful woman. Calling her "feckless" is an obvious misuse of the English language.

Trump haters are losers, but unfortunately as Hitler and his gang proved, a well organized gang of losers can cause disastrous problems for superior people.

Please define "successful." Bullying behavior that is unanswered is not success in my book.

Lol, are you one of the superior ones, there, dougsie?

Agreed, Mr. Martin!

Btw, yes, the clan is successful... At using people.


I prefer the other one !!!


The word 'cunt' is not liked by women said by others of the opposite sex but commonly say it in anger to other women. It's akin to the 'N' word , don't say it to me but it's OK to say it to my to others of the same race. No intent to demean any race .

I don't want a woman to say it to me. That words means no self respect. You are not even worth a prostitute's wage. You try hard to give it away and sometimes that don't work. i do not want to ever have me or my friends called that.

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