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Reckon y'all might want to read this

SonOfABeach 7 June 1

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I had to learn this when I worked in Dallas. That and to be very careful because people carry weapons there.


‘You poor thing’
And, which is bigger: a slew, or a mess? As in, that’s a slew of turnip greens; he caught a mess of catfish.


I moved from north to south, and after 20 yrs, I use some of these. Even learned to love "Ma'am" !


Ok.. You All is spelt Y'ALL..not Ya'all..ok?.. YA ALL is Yankee..and it "Fi'inah" not Fixen it?...Lolololololololol..

I’m a GRITS, and I spell it: ya’ll. Maybe it’s just me!

@CarolinaGirl60 up country North Carolina?
20 years in Atlana mysef.

@Charlene Currently the Piedmont, very close to the SC state line. Near Charlotte.

@CarolinaGirl60 upcountry


There are so many other Southernisms that aren't so obvious, and actually clever or humorous. No offense.

Like "donn git all stoved up boutit"? Or "Snatch a knot in"? Or "Howboutit"?

@Charlene I love that one: ‘I’ll snatch a knot in your head’.

@CarolinaGirl60 all stoved up is sooo my fav...Alabamian..go

Or using "like"for "lack".
"We only like 2 days to finish it up"

I can't remember some of the funny ones, and I'm all tore up about it.

A guy told me he'd "sale me his boat."

Great day (in the morning)

@CallMeDave when I lived near Raleigh they all said carry rather than take/bring:: I’ll carry you to the doctor.
Another thing, particularly in Franklin county: the word ‘wont’ instead of isn’t/wasn’t::I went to carry him to lunch but he won't there.

@CarolinaGirl60 yep. Or "carry your ass". aka get out of my sight

@CarolinaGirl60 surprised they didn't tote you

@CallMeDave no toting, lol, they were full-on carry-ers?. Tote reminds me of ‘poke’, though. Tote your things in a poke.


I took special note of the last one. There's woman in the apartment complex who's from the south and for some reason is my fashion critic. No matter what I wear she has some comment. The problem is I can't tell what the fuck she means!!
I usually wear tights with an over sized men's shirt. In the winter I add leg warmers. Or I sweat pants and a nice top. Never a dress or skirt.
My Halloween costume one year (seen on my profile) involved a skirt and a pair of patent leather pumps. Damn if she didn't go 'Oh, MY!! You have a skirt on and heels!! You can even walk in them!" Nice costume would have been the appropriate comment.
I finally told her to stop with the fashion critic of choice of body covering.

You should have said "Why bless yur haaart"'s a GCB face slap..lolol

I think "how kind of you to notice" is the best reply to rude comments.

@Charlene I am a little challenged - GCB means what?

Rmember I use to think FYI meant fuck you idiot.

@Charlene, @Booklover Oh! that's good, I will have to use that one!!

@silverotter11 GCB = Good Christian Bitch


I'm Colorado born lived here all my life and use almost all of those! This could be why some folks look at me funny. Lol

I say folks, too, more often than ‘people’.

@CarolinaGirl60 it's better than you guys. Lol

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