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Do you think the recent controversy about the racist comments made on Twitter by Roseanne Barr are comparable to the "C" word being spoken by Samantha Bee on her TBS comedy show while referencing Ivanka Trump?

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Artisan1992 5 June 2

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one was correct and the other was a fucking nut case lying sack of shit.


Just thought I'd add this as I breezed on through.


Another question along similar lines was asked. The question was: Is it the comedian's job to be vulgar sometimes? I will begin my answer with the answer given to that other question.

The comedian's job is to stretch the envelope of social intercourse, to test the waters of the forbidden, and to light fires under the seats of power. To poke fun at me and you. To poke fun at themselves. To scratch the underbelly of society. That they can do this while applying humor to the awkward is one of the crowning achievements of the human endeavor. They walk a narrow ridge line with sheer cliffs on either side, because society is made up of all sorts who take umbrage at the oddest things. Prudes. Religious nuts. Political wingdings. An array of hot buttons that makes the nuclear arsenal look like wet fireworks. Are there lines that should not be crossed? Sure, but I suspect that the lines are probably damned hard to see sometimes.

In the case of Roseanne, her comments were against an entire class of people, a religion, and unmistakably racist in nature. Racism and bigoted intolerance is something that is not acceptable under any circumstances. She said it; she needs to own it.

In the case of Samantha, she was doing her job. Yes, it was vulgar, but it was not racist. It did not apply a film over an entire group. Remember, stretch the envelope of social intercourse can also be applied to any other kind of intercourse. One of the reasons comedians don't like working venues where PC reigns supreme is because the envelope is sealed before they go on stage. They put the screws to politicians. And why not? I see it as a tit for tat because the politicians are always screwing us. It's called governmental intercourse.

Besides, Roseanne has always been a bigoted bitch with her politics in her crotch, while Samantha is generally a sweetheart wielding a wicked scalpel.

Comedians doing their job:


Someone can be a cunt one minute and a perfectly reasonable human being the next. Their actions determine their cuntishness not their race or creed. They can be an awkward cunt, an annoying cunt, a stupid cunt, an ugly cunt, even a sexy cunt. Roseanne, unfortunatly, is a racist cunt; and that's a different thing entirely. ?

Hear..! Hear..!



As I understand it, Roseanne Barr said 'The Muslim Brotherhood and Planet of the Apes had a baby' of Valerie Jarrett, and Samantha Bee called Ivanka Trump a cunt.

The first as a statement is distinctly intollerant: religiously and racially. The second is just a one word term of derision.

Yes, perhaps calling Ivanka a cunt was indelicate and probably 'wrong' - but it's not equivalent to Roseanne's comments.


NO. Racism hurts an entire group of people and a society in horrible ways. Accurately calling Ivanka the 'C' word doesn't really effect anyone but Ivanka, and it might not bother her that much.

@Dave75 That's ok. I still stand by what l said. ☺


Samantha Bee's is far worse - its a scripted, edited show, TBS could have easily removed/censored it.
Roseannes was an impulsive bad decision.

gater Level 7 June 2, 2018

Wow, apologizing for racism....she took the time to type it & hit "send", ya know.......

Ted Nugent called Hillary a cunt and got invited to the White House. Samantha Bee was correct.

@AnneWimsey Seriously? smh

@gater no, i meant to say it went straight from the thougt bubble over her head to around the world telepathically, you dumb bunny!

@AnneWimsey you should be careful about who you call dumb - you completely missed the point - why am I not surprised?

@gater "the point"? That Roseanne is just a dumb ass who doesn't know any better, I guess?

@AnneWimsey No - don't you get the difference from an impulsive moment and a scripted and edited tv show?

@gater my impulsive moments have never involved thinking up nasty racial slurs and then typing them up & posting them....i do however curse like a sailor a lot. So I think I u understand the difference between intentional behavior and bad language used to effect. You?

@AnneWimsey No - its a time thing - Rosannes took seconds, Samanthas took days

@gater ooohhh, the time police! And you know this (days) thing how?

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