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What's the worst epidemic of our time?

Epidemic - "a sudden, widespread occurrence of a particular undesirable phenomenon."

Epidemic usually describes infectious diseases, but we can use it to tag nonmedical scenarios too, and lately I've been hearing tons about suicide, opioid use, obesity, climate change, the rise of fascism/radicalization, bullying, gun violence, loss of species, super-bugs, overpopulation, water shortage, and we could maybe even add religion. On and on. So much stuff that I can't tell if we are in the midst of several epidemics, or if we're so motivated by fear that we seek a steady diet of it, or some other reason. It's overwhelming! Where do I focus first?

In your opinion (I'm a big picture person and for THAT I need your help!), what is the worst epidemic of our time?...this time, right now. Does it differ nationally vs. globally?

Supercali 6 June 8

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Oops...I see others already said ignorance and fear.



Etre Level 7 June 8, 2018

what causes an epidemic of ignorance?

A conditioned response to social cognitive inference.


Several factors.... a conditioned response is an outcome variable that is controlled or guided. Social cognitive inference is a term that describes how humans and animals learn. Think babies who have no syntax or grammer, learn how to communicate a language using syntax and grammer. They have to infer the contex of meaning.


Religious fundamentalism


Willful ignorance.

willful ignorance sounds like a First World Problem, not necessarily global?


Unregulated capitalism, organized religion, and willful ignorance. All contribute to climate change for the worse.


Willful ignorance followed closely by cell phones.

but how is willful ignorance quantified? to be an epidemic, there would have to be a sudden, unexpected increase or decrease of something, yes? so what increased/decreased drastically to lead to willful ignorance?

@Supercali -- I think in this case that simple observation should be adequate to indicate either a rise in willful ignorance or an increase in willingness for the willfully ignorant to come out of the closet.


. Evangalical Republicanism is the latest plague

That and the pro-corporate ant-worker legislation getting passed are literally killing people

That's what I was going to say


I see all the items named are due to the strain put on the planet and it's limited resources because of too many of us. This will only get worse. In 1994 the UN held a conference in Cairo Egypt on overpopulation. One phrase I heard a lot was: "No matter what your cause it is a lost cause unless we come to grips with overpopulation." The simple fact that many still debate this basic premise shows we still haven't come to grips with it!


1.climate change & Pollution

2.Religious Fundamentalism


4.peak oil situation

  1. (In the States ) Political division/ Gun Control/ Obesity (Diabetes/Heart/Stroke) Racial division
    Police Trust issue/ Voter Apathy / Health insurance

6.World poverty ..Nuclear armament by unstable radical regimes.

  1. International Trade Wars.

That's just to start with..
Pretty grim eh?

Extremely grim.




@Georgy303, @Supercali

?? slightly depressing..

5's startling how fat people are these days. 3 out of every 5 deaths today are directly related to what and how much people put in their mouths.

People want to scream about health care costs and demand the government (tax payers) foot the bill for "affordable" health care while they shove all manner of unhealthy crap down their pie hole....

If you would call child protective services about a child that is 30 lbs underweight for it's age....why are people not calling CPS for all the children more than 30 lbs OVERweight for their age? Childhood obesity IS child abuse. Several years ago, I called CPS on three children who were insanely overweight....and nothing was done. They are now super-fat teenagers who, I'm sure, don't participate in any extracurricular school activities or have any hopes of leading healthy and productive lives without something drastic changing.

The mind boggles.....

@Beatnik In this day and age, it takes effort to be wilfully ignorant about food choices and obesity. There is a great thing called "the internet" where all information is available 24 hours a day. Also, there are literally gyms everywhere and TV commercials about those gyms. Our great great grandparents didn't need classes in nutrition and personal's pretty obvious what is causing the obesity epidemic....and that's is sheer laziness and willful ignorance.

@Beatnik I see the picture clearly. I work in corporate health and wellness designing programs and I've been a chef for over 30 years. The surveys that people fill out for corporate health events clearly state that they "know they should eat better and exercise more"..but then they have a stream of excuses why they don't learn how to eat better, what to eat, and how much to exercise. It generally comes down to they just don't have the willpower to do it on their own ....or they get "bored".

@Beatnik riiiiiight....because it's only my profession. Could you "mansplain" it a little better for me? Please list your college degrees and job history in the Wellness industry...mmmm'kay?

@Beatnik I think you are on the right track with this. The US is a consumer culture. People are trained to buy the things they see on TV without question. People smoke because they see others do it and they think is cool, for example, even though many of those same smokers know it's bad for them. Many of the food products they sell to us they do so through the "sexualization" of these products and people just respond to that. At the supermarket checkout they plant crap and candy that is is horrible for you right there next the register so that you will "impulse buy" it. And like cigarettes, many of these food products are formulated so as to get people addicted to them through overuse of sugar or salt in them. Add to all of this the fact that healthy foods are much more expensive than the over-processed prepackaged crap that is devoid of any real nutrients then you get the obesity problems we have today. To expect people to have "will-power" when an entire economic system has been propped up around them and designed to psychologically work to overthrow that "will" is ridiculous. The system needs to change, from education, to the way people are allowed to make money off of their customers, to the customers' ability to pay for better products, and so on.

Then we have to look at the cause, and it's in large part a function of the horrible diet Americans eat. All the processed food, chemicals and additives that the FDA allows in our food.. and the proliferation of junk that masquerades as food. Have you noticed how much food is marked "Natural" these days? And there is no legal definition for that word as it pertains to food

@TheoryNumber3 You have to work really hard to be so stupid in this day and age not to know that all those processed foods and additives are detrimental to health. Likewise, only dingbats think that the word “natural” means something special. Personal responsibility means personal responsibility for learning all of these things and making smart choices based on educating yourself.

@SkotlandSkye That's kinda rough. There are poor people are barely at sustenance level who don't have access to , nor can they afford high quality food. They live in food desserts where the only thing available is fast food and crappy processed stuff. I don't think first and foremost on their mind is computing the saturated fat in a quarter pounder.

But I will grant there are people who just don't care.

*desert....not dessert...although living on "dessert food" might be half the problem.
Presumably, if there are fast food restaurants, then there are also grocery stores with a produce section...and other healthy options. Beans and rice are super-cheap and two of the best options...that's why every culture --- especially the poor --- have beans and rice dishes. Being poor doesn't mean eating poorly. It would be incredibly weird if I spent more than $50 on my food for a week and I generally spend about $30. But, honestly, it's generally about priorities. If someone is spending $40 to get their nails done, $100 for their hair a month, and paying a cell phone bill monthly, they can afford to eat well....they just choose not to do so.

@SkotlandSkye I stand autocorrected!


Religion. It's outgrown any usefulness it ever had, and now it is impeding scientific progress.


Addiction to entertainment.


Religion. Hands down.




Fear is what keeps the masses stirred up, agitated and easy to manipulate.


Willful ignorance


The opiod epidemic is causing people to die like flies. If anyone thinks the official number is the real number, I got a bridge to sell you. There were deaths nearby that were covered up as "traffic accidents" so the cause of death would not be drugs. It is real bad. But hey, let's worry about football players who kneel instead.

Some might say that Darwinism is simply thinning the herd there.

@exilesky I know a young lady who played basketball in high school. She shattered her wrist and she was put on pain pills. Just went through rehab but did spend a month in a hospital because she was so strung out. Is she the herd? People enjoyed watching her play basketball but I can not say, let's use her and throw her on the trash heap. She is clean now though.

@yamaha45701 The entire point of Darwinism is that the strong survive. Seeing as she is still alive and survived the experience, Darwinism would not apply to her. Other people may be prone to killing themselves with substances, whether it is opiods or something else. We can put warning labels on the whole world, and lock up all the substances and dole them out carefully, but some people will manage to kill themselves regardless.


Religious fanaticism, which breeds ignorance, which leads to political leaders like we have at present, who pander to fear and ignorance.


Addiction is the most widespread disease. Most will read that statement and understand it in narrow, mechanistic frames of reference. Addiction defined functionally is an acquired dependence on artifice; on substitutes feeding secondary drives that exist because satisfying primary drives is, for any of many reasons, not an option.

We abuse ourselves and our natures routinely and with the ready assistance of others who are 'pushers' of substitutes. Addictions are far from limited to things like brain altering substances, compulsive activities like consuming pornography, sex addictions, 'adrenalin' addictions and gambling. Our brains are much more broadly abused by acceptance of 'isms' contrived by others that substitute for, or allow us to abdicate, our natural incumbency as thinkers and reasoners on individual level. People also get 'hooked' on endorphin stimulating religious rituals and mass political ideologies and movements. Artifice has literally taken over what used to be human artistic expression and performing. It has happened to music and graphic arts. Computers produce in water torture perfection sounds and graphic images that once came exclusively from people. Generated voices run by machines express words of regret and apologize to us as thought they possessed real emotions.

The effects of this disease are seen in withdrawal and dissociation from what is real to the point where people, particularly the young, actually have difficulty with 'connecting with others' and discerning differences between real and artificial, functionally. We are all dependent of technology and the easy short-cut artifice it delivers. Has anyone gotten on the freeway lately and discovered they've left their phone at home?


Being offended by all and everything


Births way to many ....


The real big picture is that human life expectancy ( and quality) increased more in the last hundred years than in the hundred thousand before. Habitat destruction is the only thing likely to reverse that trend, we're too successful for our own good and drowning in our own waste. Good news, population growth is falling, cross your fingers but sustainable populations are very possible. If you look at historical violence and drug abuse rates things are much better


Oh... And
Humans (the Speicies)


Tough choice between genocide (like in Palestine)


The war on poverty (like in the USA)

... and the war on drugs, primarily usa.


People are addicted to cell phones.

dc65 Level 7 June 8, 2018

So agree!!!!!! I'm not backward, I had an iPhone before either of my adult children. I was an early adopter. Now, I only turn it on when I have to. Back to listening to NPR and reading.

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