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What's the worst epidemic of our time?

Epidemic - "a sudden, widespread occurrence of a particular undesirable phenomenon."

Epidemic usually describes infectious diseases, but we can use it to tag nonmedical scenarios too, and lately I've been hearing tons about suicide, opioid use, obesity, climate change, the rise of fascism/radicalization, bullying, gun violence, loss of species, super-bugs, overpopulation, water shortage, and we could maybe even add religion. On and on. So much stuff that I can't tell if we are in the midst of several epidemics, or if we're so motivated by fear that we seek a steady diet of it, or some other reason. It's overwhelming! Where do I focus first?

In your opinion (I'm a big picture person and for THAT I need your help!), what is the worst epidemic of our time?...this time, right now. Does it differ nationally vs. globally?

Supercali 6 June 8

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42 comments (26 - 42)

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The war on free speech, that I think extends beyond being just an issue in the US.


. Evangalical Republicanism is the latest plague


Socialism; hundreds of millions dead.


Trump...nationally AND globally

lerlo Level 8 June 8, 2018

Over population of hoooomans


Unfettered and unregulated Capitalism. Money should never equal speech and Corporations should never have the same rights as a person. Privatization of resources for profit should be illegal as should it be for education and health care.

agree, agree, agree


Social media and pseudo journalism.

I was going to say that very thing. Everything is out there, it's being shoved down our throats, until we are choking on it, the so called news of the minute.


Stupidity and hopelessness.

Is that hereditary?


Dub step. closely followed by plastic waste.

Nardi Level 7 June 8, 2018


Oops...I see others already said ignorance and fear.


Polymorphicmisanthropicsectarianism- I like creating new terms with real meaning.

Etre Level 7 June 8, 2018



The worst I ever experienced first hand would be giant afro's of the 1970s. Guys, girls, white was horrific! Sometimes only 2 people could pass on the stairs at school!!


self absorption


Religion. I mean come on.

Jumbo Level 4 June 8, 2018

WW1 and WW2 and the purges of Stalin, Mao, Polpot were bad - in our time Bosnia, Rwanda, and the Syrian Conflict

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