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LINK If We Evolved from Apes, How Come There Are Still Apes?

Richard Dawkins giving a schooling on evolution! It really is quite simple...

ballou 8 June 15

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Why do you think? It's because while we were evolving from apes, apes were evolving from salamanders. Seriously, anyone who asks this question automatically gets referred to the high school biology class they obviously never took.


With due respect, we did not evolve from apes. We evolved contemporaneously alongside the spes. All primate species evolved from tree dwelling insecticide from the Triassc era. It was not one jump from insecticide to Homo sp. Rather it was a multitude of experiments and trislsnd and errors. At the time that modern humans Homo sapient sapien) entered Europe, there were st least 5 species of Homo occupying the world, including Homo neanderthalendis. Survival depends upon adaption to changing environments and competition for resources. The other 4 species were just not adaptable enough and we won out ( hard to say for how long though, we are quickly driving ourselves toward ectinction).

As to your original supposition that just because one species is around, another can't co-exist. Depends upon whether they directly compete with one another for those essential resources

I hope this has been helpful and s little enlightening? Don't take any wooded banana? Lol

t1nick Level 8 June 15, 2018

@Maiasaura yes. Not a big jump as all the first mammals were small. They evolved during the reign of dinosaurs, so their best chance at survival was to be small, live off the forest floor many of the larger predators could not reach them. Even elephants progenitors began small.

@Maiasaura small mammals that ate insects. -
Insectavores. Lol

@Maiasaura no rampant autocorrect

@Robin227 yrs. Fossil evidence


Ever read Desmond Morris's 1967 book The Naked Ape?

Coffeo Level 8 June 15, 2018

Don't forget Robert Ardreys Territorial Imperative. Ethology has been largely discredited, but I loved it in high school. Sort of drove me to become an archaeologist.


...and people wonder why humans are so violent. Just look at all the studies of our cousins. They all say that apes and chimps etc. are very violent and murderous.

EXCEPT for bonobos! Bonobos are female-led (as opposed to chimps) and every social interaction begins/ends with sexual contact. They're amazing animals.


Some of us/them knew better than to come down out of the trees.


We share with apes a distant common ancestor.


Ohferpetessake....there are a bunch of types of apes, we are an offshoot of one branch. As if there is only one kind of Anything......


Rebellion.... the smart ones had to leave.


The ones left did not pay attention.

Marine Level 8 June 15, 2018

i really do believe we evolved from ape like creature that apes also came from, but on the other hand, i wonder, did we screw up mars and come here to start over ?? its not that far of a journey, and FTL isn't really needed... just saying 😀

While there is genetic evidence that Apes and Humans are related (having a common ancestor), what evidence do you have to support your concept that we came here from Mars?

@dahermit oh i was just being funny, i will admit it could have happened, we know mars used to be like earth is now with water, oxygen but weather i really believe we came from mars, i am really do not believe that, i was just being funny about the mars part. I do actually believe we evolved through evolution here on earth.

@cobra3282000 Its an interesting point though. I'm no astrobiologist but I understand that Mars may have been habitable. The asteroid belt could be remnants of a destroyed planet (I guess our forebears could have been good at that looking at our propensity for the same here). Maybe we are just heading inwards. Watch out Venus!

@Robin227 I have no idea what you are talking about. If I believe what? Please form your thoughts into a clearly expressed argument and we can discuss it. Some throw-away statement has little value.


If Protestantism evolved from Catholicism, why are there still Catholics.

If (some) Americans came from Europe, why are there still Europeans?


We have an ancestor in common with apes. Our species is an offshoot. When the tree of life sprouts a new branch, the other branches do not necessarily die out.


More important question: Why is the USA being run by an Orangutan? and why is the justice department headed by an evil elf? Poor apes probably don't want any comparison to us humans lol

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