What epiphanies have changed your life? What "ah ha" moments have had the most influence?
I dislike the word epiphany, it has too many religious connotations, I prefer Inspiration
Yes, congrats on recovery. We are all much more powerful than we think and always have the choice as to how we'll respond. I don't like that but know it's true. It's much more satisfying to think we do what we do, feel like we do because of things outside ourselves. That is one of my epiphanies. See Victor Frankl's "Man's Search For Meaning".
Standing in my 26th floor corner office, 7:30 pm on Friday night, watching people going to dinner, the Fox theater, enjoying life...I was at the pinnacle of my corporate career, making more money than I ever dreamed, and yet, there I was...working, watching...it dawned on me how many family functions I had missed...planes I missed, birthdays I never celebrated...I knew right then and there that I was going to die if I stayed. I resigned, moved to the beach for a year to recoup, and now, looking back, it was the best thing I ever did.
Thanks for sharing your story. It's hard when most others think you've attained the " American dream" and we recognize what it really costs.