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Have you ever tried to "convert" someone to atheism?

Gyanez 6 July 13

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I teach evolutionary biology, so yes. All the time. ?


No. Nor would I ever try.
I will, however, freely tell anyone who brings it up just how fucking delusional they are for believing in things that don't exist, and how evil all religion is.


I seemed to have an audience when my daughter's friends would carpool or visit. They pretty much knew I'd answer anything but I never promoted my opinion unless questioned.

We have a Chinese friend we've know since she was in third grade and it was SO refreshing to be asked "What's the thing about Easter?" by someone who had no history or knowledge of religion. I'm pleased to say that, fifteen years later, she's still not religious.

Lauren Level 8 July 13, 2018

I don't like when it's done to me, why would I do it to someone?

GwenC Level 7 July 13, 2018

Not really. I have pointed out how persons who are mentally ill, you know, see visions nobody else can see, or her voices that nobody else acn hear , were once said to be "touched by the gods", and then ask them why they believe what mentally ill people said and wrote just because they did so thousand of years go, if they are unwilling to believe such a person today.

Or I might explain to them that the reason why god has more than one name int he old testament is the Jews were originally polytheist, and there were competing factions as to which god to wlrship when they decided to worship only one god. I then tell them how Yahweh was originally a war god, whcih is why the old testament is so full of catalogues of how many were killed.

There are lots of litel facts to talk about. I don't try to "covert" them outright, but just put the facts out there and let them decide for themselves.


I volunteer at a homeless shelter, that is church run. I like to do what I can to help people. I pretty keep to myself about my dis-belief. But it has happened quite a few times where I have made friends, that were kind of on the edge of believing and not. In those instances I actually did what I could to point out (for as much as I know) what is wrong about religion. And I will again, as much as i can turn them onto some real science, rather that learning BS Science fron 'Answers in Genisis'.

I'm pretty much sure that I've never 'converted' any one right then and there, But I do know that I have planted some seeds.
After a while some of them Thanked me for opening their eyes.


Nah, I just mock them.


Only when they try and convert me first.


I don't go out looking for people to "convert", but I will happily chat about my non-beliefs with whomever is up for it. I'm careful when I speak with certain folks - specifically kids/young adults. I don't want to sway them one way or another if it's contrary to how they're being raised. Could make things more difficult for them, and that's not ever my goal. But I will always support and encourage questions and help them look for the answer.
I've found that open, honest chat can do wonders to encourage objective, critical thinking.

scurry Level 9 July 13, 2018

No, I don’t even try. Most of my friends don’t discuss religion with me as they know my views. I don’t try to turn them away from their religion and they don’t preach to me. That works just fine for all of us.


The most I've done is explain my own beliefs without any expectation or intention of changing someone's mind about the advantages of practical rationality over silly superstition. I have no idea if that influenced anyone to become secular or not.

zeuser Level 9 July 13, 2018



No. People can only save themselves.

Anything less than a considered, self-determined atheism will not reliably "stick" anyway. Not in an environment where you're part of a minority that's largely demonized by theists.


Not directly, but a religious friend and I are always debating. He has faith, and I don’t.


You don't convert to atheism as atheist is not an ism. You de-convert back to the default non-theist. And yes, I have freed several theists from the life of superstition into a world based on facts over fiction/faith. It feels great when they thank you for making their lives (view of the world) make sense.


No. Not up to me what anyone else believes


Everyone by example


No, but I have had someone proselatize atheism to me.


No, I have had open discussions, but I think people should make up their own minds without anyone pushing. I find doing that to be no different than the damn LDS or SDA or Mormons knocking on my door, just in reverse. Personal beliefs are personal, it is only when they have an effect others that they are a problem.

PDF Level 5 July 13, 2018
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