Why aren't we impeaching Trump?
If you know the answer, why are you asking the question?
Mueller hasn't released the report detailing Trump's transgressions,... yet.
Even if Mueller released an open and shut case, the GOP House is too corrupt to begin impeachment. Only a report that is a 20 on a scale of 0 to 10 could have a shot at unseating Trump. Only if the House is flipped can impeachment have a shot. That leaves two scenarios: 1. The report released creates so much stink that Trump has to resign. 2. Mueller exposes enough Russian influence in the House that he simply issues an indictment directly, the legality of which is debatable (That would get seriously messy.) The 3rd scenario is that Trump succumbs to (take your pick) a medical emergency or assassination. Come on, CIA, do your stuff...
We're not getting out of this without a constitutional crisis and maybe worse.
It's a dopey script, but that's Hollywood (er, the Deep State) for you.
What would it matter? Clinton had the biggest sex scandal of all time and gave all the jobs to the NAFTA throwing us into the deepest recession of all time. Clinton was impeached and the Congress at the time forgave all his thieving and crimes.
History really isn't your thing, eh...
@Secretguy My mistake Clinton made number 2 on this one [cheatsheet.com] December 8, 1993
The bill passed the Senate on November 20, 1993, 61–38. Senate supporters were 34 Republicans and 27 Democrats. Clinton signed it into law on December 8, 1993; the agreement went into effect on January 1, 1994. Clinton, while signing the NAFTA bill, stated that "NAFTA means jobs. [en.wikipedia.org] just got to love the facts
Because the republicans in congress have his back, at least while the Meuller probe is still going on.
The Republican majority would never impeach their own even though if it was a Democrat having an affair then they would be doing everything they could. Its about the ability to push through the laws, policies, and regulations that they want and hes doing what they want.
He has to break the law first.
Ohferpetessake stop watching Fox...i know you cannot quit cold turkey, but maybe an hour a week of NPR radio, or Rachel Maddow, or Dan Rather...just 1?
@AnneWimsey they tend to be allergic to reality.
@Secretguy @AnneWimsey Really? Ad hominem. That's it?
Because Congress has to do it & they are too busy sucking his tiny orange dick!