Should we have the right to shoulds are own death wgat didteds theres only life as the awrser what if we could chose death am find something eles would we take this choise i know for what this questiob was in my mind for as long as i can tell and what would be the right anwer would death or life be right or would they both be
Ib nod sur I uderstad yu.
But if you're asking if a person should be able to choose to die if they wish, I'd say "yes, in theory". By which I mean, everyone gets to decide if life is worth it to them, but the question doesn't effect only the individual.
It effects other people too, and if it effects them enough, they deserve some input to your decision.
This is another way of saying that the decision to end your life should be a rational one. And even then, it should not be entirely a selfish one. You alone get to decide for example if a physical condition causes you so much suffering that your life isn't worth living. But part of that decision is still how it impacts others.
Interestingly this cuts both ways. My previous / late wife wanted / needed to let go and allow herself to die, and understood how that would effect me. But she asked me for permission to go. If I had not given it, she would have hung on a little longer but it would have been selfish on my part to not set her free.
Most suicides are irrational or short-sighted or selfish or driven by depression or other fixable or transient things. But a few are not. Society's failure to understand the difference has forced some people to suffer a lot more than they should have to.
He is in Quebec. French speaking. Look before you snark.
Spellcheck much?
my bad im french sorry
@astrocreep1994 I was going to say something, but someone else already pointed it out. I saw you were from Montreal, so French is probably your first language. Honestly, I don't know where you were going with this post. Not trying to be impolite, but speaking and typing in a second (or more) language is a lot harder than one thinks.
@astrocreep1994 Do not appologize. Americans are rude.