Guy who talks to invisible friend says stupid thing.
Ummm, in my lifetime (4th grade?) It was added because of McCarthyism & "godless communism" . I distincly remember the unease of the adults about it!
In the the Constitution there is no mention of God. Along the way Christians did slide in a few amendments seeking to make US a Christian Nation. A great contradiction from the original American founding forefathers.
Any centralize group is a contradiction of the diversity and fairness of the Constitution.
13th amendment was a huge event. Imagine blacks having the same population worldwide as whites, turned into slaves.
The 2 greatest genocidal events in human history was the American natives and black slavery all kept silently all these centuries.
Bigger Gold, Guns and God makes the golden rule.
@NerdyOkieDude As well as the 15th and 19th, ensuring voting rights for people of color and women, respectively.
Kinda really late for blacks to vote and have in interracial marriage not til around 1965.
Gays had to wait till the 70s to be legal. Meanwail they locked them up with a bunch of other gays for punishment.
@NerdyOkieDude I'd forgotten about that one ... fell 3 states short. But it would need to be modified--I would recommend replacing the word 'sex' with 'gender.' Thoughts?
"Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex."
I think the Government has no business in what we do with our own bodies or what we take in or take out of our bodies.
I think you can do anything, as long as it does not harm someone else.
Lol, I was just adding to the pile of the UNjustice system.
They will never stop until they have their theocracy.
And the the real trouble will begin.
There has to be a point, and trust me, I don't know where exactly it is, when people begin to awaken. A time where those who truly care about the future finally begin rub their eyes and open their ears, and suddenly become aware of the madness that occupies a disproportionate amount of today's headlines. For the past several years I've lowered the bar, but I'm beyond believing that a 'new low' is impossible!
I know I'm old, but I'm not THAT old. I remember adding that phrase when I was in elementary school because it require memorizing it. That puts the change in the 1950's
He is a wrong as he can be and only trying to fool other dimwitted people. The "In god we trust" was not put on coins until the mid 19th century and on bill until the mid 50's (I know because I have a clean dollar bill from 1926).
The Republicans have been rewriting history for some time. It is now on steroids as trump is changing the white house records as is Russia. When there is something happening and one has the ability to record it one should as the records change. Trump has just said that the russians will be helping the Democrats. Why would putin do that, his bitch is trump. So since trump lies I would take his statement to mean that Russia will be helping the Republicans. This is why nothing is being done. If trump really thought Russia was going to be helping the Democrats he would do something about it. Are we f--ked?
Trump soooooo....two face.
You don't know if your coming are going, I know from personal experience.
The rampant ignorance in this country astounds me.