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How do you deal with Door-knockers?

Whether they be Witnesses, Mormons, or another proselytizing religion, how do you deal with people coming to your door to spread their religion?
I just had my first experience since getting a place of my own and had a decent conversation through the crack in my door. After I told him I was an atheist he tried to use apologetics; when I told him I was familiar with his arguments and didn't find them convincing further explaining that I take a scientific route of belief and chose not to believe until there is evidence for a god. He understood and thanked me for explaining and listening to him and he left with a handshake. I was surprised at myself for how civil I was to him but how does everyone else usually respond?

Nicsnort 6 Oct 14

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I ignore them or if they catch me outside, I use sarcasm. Usually the, “’re selling religion?” Route.


By educating them if I have some time. And if I'm bored I'll invite them in for a fuller education, usually with a big joint on that I accidently breathe their way. Had that happen twice, LOL Am I a bad man, LOL Nah just a Pirate. 😉


I tell them I am an atheist so won't need the pamphlet they have. However, I always thank them for getting out and trying to help people. I really don't want them thinking atheist and @sshole are synonymous.


A good friend used to answer the door naked when the JW’s came around, they don’t come back twice.


I posted a sign on my door that reads. No so soliciting or pandering. I got the religion thing figured out as well. Don't knock ring or leave pamphlets flyers or trinkets. Exceptions. Thin mint and pop corn sale witches warlocks and princesses


Bucket of water?


I had them the Koran, and if they Aren't Mormon, I had them the Book of Mormon. It tends to work out well enough.

Once, I asked the Jehovah's Witnesses if they could provide me with a bundle of "The Watchtower" to hand out to friends and family, that was after i allowed them to visit me over an hour and pretended I would consider it. For the next few months, Non-Jehovah's witness visitors got a New and Speeecial door priiize! 🙂

When I was 18, I spent a short period of time where I sold Cutco sooo I would take advantage of door knockers by turning it around and practicing my Knife Selling presentation on them! I mean, they Think they aren't walking into a Spiders web until... "hellllo here comes a possible customer!" haha! You know the funniest part is... I ACTUALLY sold 5 knife sets to Door Knockers in this manner! haaahaa I'm serious, too. 😉

Sadoi Level 7 June 25, 2018

Door knackers for unwanted Door knockers.?

To really sinch the issue, add nails or spikes on the rest of the door to make it impossible to knock manually.


I can't recall any religious people knocking on my door. I've lived in Utah for 2 years and I'm feeling a little rejected. I wonder if my neighbor's put me on a blacklist after a 3 minute conversation as I was moving in???

LDS bugged the crap out of a young lesbian neighbor in Alabama, she was too nice to be assertive even when they talked about homosexuality. I played the asshole card, but that's literally the only time I've had to deal with door knocker religious types.

It's almost like there's an anti-god keeping idiocy away from me???

Quick .... send him to DC... then down south... let's clean out the gene pool..


Many years ago I would invite them in, thinking that I could enlighten or convince them that they were being very presumptuous. I naively thought you could have some sort of meaningful discourse with them as you might with intelligent, open minded people. I very quickly found that they are there to sell their bullshit to you and anything you say is totally ignored, hence, no more entry! That goes for the little boys on bicycles too.They are brainwashed so effectively at such a young age that it is frightening!

I think it begs the question ,and I think you rediscovered the dogma, rigidity , thoughtlessness of the representatives of their religion


Back in the early '80s, when I was a crackhead, I had a couple of JWs that used to come by on Saturday mornings. I got tired of it and answered the door naked. Problem solved. In all fairness, almost everything in my apartment was done naked at that time.

Fun fact; in the early '90s, when I married a bank robber, I used the same tactic to discourage the FBI from ringing my bell before noon. I was a bartender at the time and it was becoming a big problem for me.

I couldn't make this shit up.

You got some stories I bet! Please start a podcast or write a book to share with the class lol.

I'd try that but people would point and laugh.

I'd love to have seen their reaction!


I ran off 2 Baptist ladies last summer. Told them my past and said I do not believe any longer. OMG! They had a fit. Nature, trees, and the sky proves there is a god, they said. If you mess with me too much I will destroy your arguments quickly using the very book you believe from. This is easy coz the bible is a jumbled mess. Let's assume you are Muslim. How do you believe that the prophet flew to heaven on a "winged horse?" This is an impossible fairy tale. Anyone ever heard of a winged horse? All holy writings have their idiotic areas.


A friend of mine who lives in the South had the best answer. He said some Johovas Witnesses came bashing on his door. He said "good thing you came. we are ready for sacrifice, and all out of virgins". They ran! I point to the "NO SOLICITING" sign on my door, and slam it in their face. Look up Joe Safran door-to-door Atheist. I'm new here, and I assume swearing is frowned upon, or I'd post the link. It's true.

Why the fuck would you assume swearing is frowned upon? Unless you mean earnestly swearing in on a bible I’m sure none of us gives a rusty fuck or a good goddamn.

@Wurlitzer One time on here someone posted about just meeting the love of his life. I said something like "I don't want to piss in your pocket, but most relationships start off with puppy love that wears off". This guy got offended because I said that one word! He asked me to edit it. If there was a problem, admin should have told me.

@TheGreatShadow you’re shittin me ? piss? If you edited it for him you’re a more patient man than I. If there actually was a problem I’m sure admin would tell ya indeed. I’m not aware of any censorship rules on the site although I haven’t gone looking. I figured it was pretty obvious we’re all adults here and even borderline hate speech has been allowed to an extent as far as I’ve seen. Im sure we’re prob not supposed to sell anything or harass anyone directly but pretty much anything you wanna say in general is fair game as far as I’m concerned. But then again you can add “as far as I’m concerned” or “for all I care” to the end of any statement and make it true. So take that for what it’s worth.

@Wurlitzer No I didn't edit or delete it. I did shortly after get two messages saying rules about having a post blocked or deleted. I asked what it was about. Said they couldn't find anything. Don't know.


It has been several years since I’ve encountered a door-knocker. In recent years I’ve grown tremendously in my knowledge and passion for atheism, so I really look forward to my next door-knocker. I plan to invite them in and engage in a polite, in-depth conversation.


Honestly, I kill them with kindness. Seriously. It confuses them more than any insults, mockery, or slander could ever do. I tell them thanks but no thank you, politely refuse their pamphlets, and tell them to have a good day when they leave.

Maybe it's just that I get the same churches in my area but no matter what different faces show up each time, I do the same thing. Most seem shocked that a non-christian is so polite & kind, even if they try to bait me in to debating.

Admittedly I was in a bad mood once, and when they rang I told them the Muslims got to me first, called them infidels and demanded they leave... followed their "God bless you" comment up with an "Allah akbar". Yeah it was a jerky thing to do, kinda felt bad after but I had a bad day & i just let it get to me & took it out on them. /shrug


If I even do answer the door, and they come on Sunday, I ask them if they talk to their God. If they reply "Yes" then I state in a loud voice, WELL, TELL YOUR GOD I'M WATCHING FOOTBALL, and close the door. Alternately, I ask them for their address. When they recover from their shock and ask "Why", I tell them that I want to come over and talk to their kids about Satanism or Islam. They leave quickly.


Simple, you don't call first I don't answer my door. Problem solved.


Owh, I thought it was going to be...'how do you deal with knock, knock jokes?' Haven't had a religious door knocker in years; I'll let you know next time it happens, it will depend on my mood 😉


I'm a cashier and sometimes I'm handed literature. I tell them ill let my boyfriend read it. I'm gay and while a current beau does not exist, it shuts them up pretty quickly.


Depends on what they rudely disturb.
They get anything from a laughing "I'm not religious" to "fuck off".
I'm not one to tolerate or entertain their delusions.


Depends. If it's a kid, I'll hear them out and argue against their points. Maybe make them think a bit. if it's someone my age or up, I take the piss out of them, Because it's absurd to be 25+ and believe in invisible sky genies.


I try to be as civil as possible, but the ones where I live are often very stubborn or even outright rude. If I see them, I usually don't answer the door. If I have to talk to them, I try to be as polite and civil as possible in saying "no thanks" and asking them to please respect that I have my own beliefs. It's really hard, though. They are annoying and like to interrupt me and tell me they "want to see me in heaven". Just leave me alone and let me live my life in peace...


My grandfather used to put the Mormons to work on his land. He'd talk to them about their religion for a few extra helping hands. Personally, I think that's awful, haha!

Susu Level 2 Apr 24, 2018

I guess I'm boring. If I'm busy or thinking I might be getting served with a photo radar ticket from Scottsdale or Paradise Valley, I just won't answer the door; but if I'm photo radar ticket free, I will answer and politely tell them I'm not interested and close the door. I will close the door even if they are still speaking. I closed the conversation politely. They are the rude ones of they keep talking.


My family are mostly Jehovah's Witnesses. I was also as a child but was disfellowshipped after "seeing the light." When they come to my door I have an easy way of getting rid of them. Just telling them "I'm an X-JW. I was disfellowshipped many years ago and I am still not repentent." They quickly turn around and leave.

Great tip

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