Okay, I made a post, but worded it a little differently. I wrote, "Even though I'm not dating anyone, most of my friends and I share a platonic relationship." I meant to say it in as I love my friends. Well, this one lady (she's an alcoholic and overly truthful) said my post was basically nonsensical and redundant. Then my ex said, "Don't make wrong posts next time." He is really ignorant and he doesn't know words I use unless I state a definition. I screenshot the word "platonic" for them both. She said, "Thanks for proving my point. I'm not upset. It's your Facebook. Lol." I've unfriended her before for being very rude while drunk and cussing me out for nothing. I can't even post atheists things on FB without her saying I'm overdoing it. She claims to be an atheist too. I don't know how a post could go so wrong? I worded it wrong, yes, I agree. My intentions were in the right place. Oh, my ex voted for Trump and is a Christian. Idk why I am still talking to him after the shit he put me through?
You can say. Hello on FB and get yelled at. If your tainted "friends" are on the same site, you may have to try another. Or, just ignore and block them.
Don't take their bs personally. It's a reflection of them, not you.
Yeah, a good many of the people on Facebook suck. I'm not in your shoes, but if I were, I would tell them both to fuck off and get off your page if they don't want to read what you have to say.
Ex and her are blocked.
The post does read a bit weird but who does not know what the word platonic means? And you're not wrong, concider the source, turn sideways and let the shit fly by.
It's over with now. I did word it wrong. Still doesn't mean it was wrong to post it. My ex is stupid.
It sounds like you need to unfriend them both.
And if you don't feel like you can, block them from seeing your posts. Take care of you, honey.
I blocked them.
I'm not sure what you mean by overly truthful? Do you prefer people lying to you? Since platonic is synonymous with friendship, she was correct about the redundancy aspect, what did you want her to say?
I truly wish you well and I do not know you. I'm sure she was very condescending and annoying. But if I were I in your shoes, I'd examine why I would rather be lied to than admit an error, even when it may cost me a relationship.
Best of luck to you. Cheers.
My ex is ignorant. Yes, I worded it wrong. No, I never call anyone out on their Facebook posts. No, it wasn't a "wrong" post. Just worded wrong.
My ex is ignorant. Yes, I worded it wrong. No, I never call anyone out on their Facebook posts. No, it wasn't a "wrong" post. Just worded wrong.
Take a break from that place lol. It’s not you, it’s them.
They're blocked.
I don't think there was anything wrong with your Facebook post but you might want to reconsider if you have the wrong friends and ex's are ex's for a reason x
I think I worded it wrong. It is my FB page. I don't tell others crap about what they post. I would have no friends then.
If you are going to put anything on Facebook, there is a pretty high likelihood someone is going to come along and make a thing of it. I'm on there but don't like to post often for that reason. You pretty much have to expect it. It isn't right, and it suck beyond measure, but it is the nature of that particular beast. I don't know if that will change any time soon either.
That lady friend of yours sound like a "hater". It sounds like she just needed to reply to your post to "quicken" her. She gets that dopamine hit by hating on anything. And I bet any response you make will simply feed that fire. She's a parasitic hater.
As for your ex, it sounds like he thought the post was about him - projecting himself into your post. Does that show who was more affected in that break-up then? I dunno, really. I'm not a relationship expert.
So to me, they're a parasite and a barnacle. One sucks and the other drags. Unfriend them!
I have read a few of the comments here and agree with what I have read. The posts I have read from you indicate good intelligence and honesty. I would be going through my facebook friends list and culling it. We don't need negative people in our lives. I cull mine often and always feel better for cutting the ties. Alternatively you could just selective block people from seeing your posts.
Why oh why are you allowing these people access to your life, never mind FB?! Just because you are related to people does not make them good additions to your life!
I'm not related to any of them.
@Sarahroo29 I thought you said one was your ex? That isn't a relationship?
Exes doesn't mean I'm related to them.
@Sarahroo29 nice attitude, sweetie....
@Sarahroo29 We are not biologically related to our friends and lovers or our ex-friends and ex-lovers, but we are related to them -- connected somehow.
Take a break from FB if its getting you down. I did.
I will.