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Should public nudity be legal?

The AANR (American Association for Nude Recreation) has the view that public nudity should be legal as long as the person is not doing anything with the intent of sexually arousing either themselves or anyone else.

The most stated reason by members is to get over "body shame", because doing so helps boost self esteem and confidence. There have been studies showing that children raised in nudist family have higher self esteem and confidence and are just generally more comfortable with who they are as a person.

On the other side there are those persons who seek out nude beaches and nudist events who have seual agendas. AANR nudist clubs don't tolerate such persons, and forcibly remove them shoudl they show up. I refer to such persons as "swingers" because they seem to fit the swinger lifestyle more than they do the nudist lifestyule

However, as a point of freedom. A freedom of expression, which does tno do harm to anyone, shoudl public nudity be legal? As atheists are nto burdened with religious mores , I was just wondering what the people here think?

I am a natuirst (nudist) and I have ridden the Portland (OR) World Naked Bike Ride, which has over 10,000 participants each year, and I have gone on nude hikes, visited clothing optional beaches

So, what are your thoughts?

snytiger6 9 Oct 18

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308 comments (126 - 150)

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Born naked, if you don't want wear cloth least make it optional,the weather itself will let you know what or what not to wear


Ive swam nude on European beaches. I think that there should be enough beach front to accommodate both clothed and unclothed. If a person is uncomfortable with their or others bodies, they should have a space too, as should those of us that do not mind nudity.


You know it my dude


Funny America ... bearing a firearm is ok but baring one's body is not.

When are you going to rewrite your bloody constitution?

Probably wont' happen in my lifetime. One hopes that eventually rationality and reason will prevail, but thern I remember , this is the country that elected Bush... then later Trump... which is why I say probably not in my lifetime.

@snytiger6 Most regimes don't concede defeat without a fight.


I wouldn't want someones dingle dangle and pubs around my burger and fries, but at beaches or such I don't see a problem with it. Yes, you do have those that abuse it, and per typical government SOP, instead of dealing with the individual, you make policy for all because of the 1% that cause a problem. Honestly, most places it wouldn't make sense, just for hygienic reasons (ballpark or Mcdonalds, I don't want your scrotum sweat on the seat I'm about to sit in)!

My Jehovah Witness daughter (raised in south US and went to Protestant church with me b4 I became atheist) just went to Jamaica. She was telling me (and I could hear the surprise and disbelief) about a 10 y/o girl she saw topless. I've spent time overseas, so I'm use to experiencing those kind of cultural differences. The girl was at a waterfall with her family. I told her yea, other than muslim countries, most of the world isn't as uptight or hypocritical about nudity as the US is. Plus, she was 10 years old, not like she was a sexualized being anyway (although US media sexualizes everything, including kids - just watch tween disney programs). It seemed she just couldn't get her head wrapped around that concept. But then again she is 24, and thinks she's got it all figured out how the world is 'suppose' to be now that she's an adult.

In Tahiti, U understand they had to change nudity laws (they nade nudity illegal) due to American tourists who did nto understand cultural context or cultural differences who cause problems (assaulted) the locals.

Our fellow Americans are not very sophisticated, and have almost no understanding of other cultures.

You are rioght, in that due to the behavior of a few, they create laws to regulate everybody, rather than just deal with those few who misbehave.

@snytiger6 nope...didn't know that, but doesn't surprise me. I always enjoyed my time overseas, looking at the world through a different lens so to speak. I experienced some anger and prejudice just b/c I was american/military, but the ones who gave me a chance were some awesome people, and I hope they thought I was at least a little awesome too.


I'm all for having areas where nudity is permissible, I don't know about everywhere. At least go in stages.

gearl Level 8 Aug 21, 2018

I have a more complex view. My wife got mad when I told her is was not right that men can go shirtless in many places while women can not. People are weird about sex and associate nudity without the ability to pull them apart.

So knowing this I would say that it should be legal with some exceptions.

Public venues such as schools, libraries, playgrounds ect. should be avoided due to backlash and risks. Really it would be best to designate places it is acceptable. Not just to protect our puritan eyes but because of safety. In a sexually repressed society, public nudity can drive some to do the unthinkable. In an environment where children are protected and can feel safe if is fine.

I for one do not think I could walk around nude women without being in a semi constant state of arousal. That would be both awkward for me and these ladies that should have some say in the matter. I doubt I am alone there.

So depending on what your are proposing you got my vote, good luck getting it through a majority though.

Having been to nude beaches and nudist clubs, i cna assure you that you actually get used to seeign people nude and problems with "arousal" (erections) are not problem once a person gets used to nudity.

That beign said, for many guys, a first trip to a nude beach may have them spendign the first fifteen minutes or so layingon their stomaches, until they get used their surroundings.

@Hercules3000 In most venues yes. There are imo exceptions.


Maybe not within sight of traffic.


It should be legal but I'm happy to not see everyone naked. Just being honest.


Body autonomy is very real and should be practiced by everyone everywhere


IT's fine........ as a matter of fact, the whole breast feeding thing is getting hypocritically silly. If I wanna suck on a tit in public, it's between me and the titowner.

If you are an infant that is cool. Otherwise it is either creepy or sexual and either has no place in a walmart!


Not for me, I feel safer clothed thanks. Ok for the spa, with my partner.


Of course but if you think about it who cares? I'm essentially an anarchist so I can't understand why anyone would want laws governing behavior of humans that are doing things that are not hurting anyone else.


Yes on nude beaches

I think we need more nude beaches, or other designated area where people are free to choose whether or not to wear clothing.


Yes but... aesthetics can count as visual assault. People ought to understand that unless their parts look good, or there's a practical reason, they shouldn't be on display. This goes equally for buildings and cars. Ugly ones can have character but they aren't beautiful and most people who care don't want to see them. A proper view of self-worth, dignity, and aesthetics seems a proper prerequisite. Spandex is a privilege, not a right!

There are no ugly bodies, only insecure and/or unkind vewers.

The original post is designed to combat the type of narrow-minded view that you express ?

@Tompain1 That is factually incorrect.

@SimonCyrene You call it narrow-minded, i call it having aesthetic standards. Down with post-modernism.

@Advocate subjective opinion is not fact and therefore cannot be ruled as correct or incorrect. You can disagree but you'd be wrong.


I used to go to nude beaches & I feel it's appropriate in designated areas (or events in your case) like that. Then people who want to avoid seeing naked people know where not to go. I think it's kind of different for little kids though. I spent part of my childhood in Europe, & at that time at least, most people didn't have their very youg kids (maybe under age 4?) wear swimsuits. So I always had my babies & toddlers naked at beaches & lakes here in the US, or playing in the sprinklers. Got a few 2nd looks but nobody seemed to be at all bothered by it. When they decided they wanted swimsuits I got them right away.

Carin Level 8 July 10, 2018

I think it can be distracting, possibly could cause traffic accidents. I think it should be allowed in designated areas like parks and bars and gyms.

If nudity were a common place thing it would nto be so distracting,..

In Oregon the Oregon supreme court ruled tha tnudity is a right, but the language of the ruling is only clear when a person is protesing, but uses rather grey language for other circumstances. Anyway, one thign the ruling did was make it legal to be nude on state and federal lands, but nudists are generally respectful can considerate. The unspoken rule is that you dont' go nude within site of a parkign area or paved road. This istt' law but just local custom/culture.

Nude bars--oh my...


Here in Canada, women have the right to be publically topless if they wish. It means that we have to deal with people who are offended because of their own concepts of morality. There are a lot of puritans out there who need to smoke a little weed and relax

Yes. Those darn puritans... If we were meant to be naked we'd have been born that way.


No, is my final answer. This society can not even handle guns!!! And is not that I didn't enjoyed summer in Cannes or a year in Crete. Boundaries, boundaries, within those boundaries you can have your place but "public" as anywhere you feel like it... No, my final answer.


I have no problems with nudity, however, if people are nude a lot of care needs to be taken to prevent getting a part of your anatomy hooked on something sharp. Not that there's anything wrong with that. 🙂

Even nudists acknowledge that a person shoudl wear clothing for warmth and/or protection if needed. It's a common sense thing... like nudist should wear an apron if frying bacon

@snytiger6 I never put on clothes to fry bacon. Is that a rule?

@cyndiann Not really. I actually depends on the bacon as to how much risk there is in being splattered. The more lean the bacon the less chance. Also medium to think thickness give less chance for splatter. With Turkey bacon there is almost no chance of splatter. You only really take a chance at splatter if you hover over the frying bacon. If you are elsewhere to make toast or pour juice, rather than hoverign over the pan, chances are slim that you would get splattered.

@snytiger6 Yeah I know, I cook it several times a week. I just turn the fire down and cook slower.

@cyndiann Yes, that is true, most splater is caused by a higher heat level.


Yes, It is at my house.


Can't say I'd be for public nudity. It has nothing to do with religion and body shaming etc, but it's rather about what's best for civilized society. Besides, there are already enough nudist colonies throughout the country, why should a certain segment of society be able to push their beliefs (nudism in this case) on others. Perhaps I feel that way because I'm an introvert and also not an exhibitionist, and when I go to a public beach etc I don't feel like being in the company of those who "let themselves out" so to speak. The current laws in regards to that are better off left as they are.

@NotConvinced Well said.

@NotConvinced The door could swing both ways on that one, and such a scenario can get tricky. At first it would seem that those who require clothing to be worn are the ones pushing their beliefs, but if you know someone could be uncomfortable with you being naked, wouldn't you think it's a bit childish to continue making them uncomfortable when it certainly would not be necessary to continue doing so? I see this as a situation where both sides could play the I'm offended card, so finding middle ground on that can get tricky. If you read all the comments, you would see one other guy said similar to what I just mentioned in regards to being childish and inconsiderate (I think those were the exact words he used). I'm going to message you later and explain another reason why I commented as I did

@snytiger6 I forgot to mention that I would be against throwing anyone in jail due to public nudity, it's absurd to punish like that over a victimless crime.

@NotConvinced we aren't there to be seen! It's not about that.


Just keep in mind some things cannot be unseen

Right you are on that.

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