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After a break up or death of a spouse... Why do women seek out old flames

Happened too many times but why? What for and what purpose?

BradleyOgle 6 Jan 22

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I've had a couple of "boomerangs" in my life. They arrived after a break up or just prior to taking next move to deeper commitment with their SO.
So guys do this too.
I'm not much one for digging up skeletons or sniffing around to check the pulse of an exes current relationship like some out there are. Scorched earth here.


Probably for the same reasons men do ...

Each person will have their own reasons - not the kind of thing you can paint with a broad brush.


This is a Hmmmm for me. My wife is alive, but I email with on of my HS gf on a regular basis. We had a discussion once about her mom making her break up with me and I thought her of the one who got away. But she is still a major prude and it wouldn't work.

But, I think she is the only one I'd be interested in seeing. Other than my AP.


Is it just women? Why do people seek out old flames? I'm not sure they do. Some might but certainly not all and certainly not just women


A year after my husband passed away. My high school sweet heart came across my mom at the grocery store. My mom gave him my number. He was still hot and sexy.

He had a great career and had a lot to offer.
I liked the idea of ending back together.
The sparks from before weren't there for me.


Too many conmen out there waiting to fleece the recent widow!


Same reasons guys do I think, comfort, familiarity, memories of past support.


I have no idea as I am not a going back to the ex kind of person

I eventually became friends of sorts with my ex's but not until a lot of time had passed


Hmm... I've never gone back to the euphemistic well after I was kicked off the ranch, so I didn't know this was a thing. I assume there is comfort in the familiarity.


Not all women do that. I've never done it. Blanket statements are easy to refute.


Like men don't do this too? There is comfort in familiarity.


Familiarity... They know what they are getting... I remember early on my relationships I told them... "After me, any other man in your life will seems better than what you think of them now."


Security. If they were friends too-seek out old friend.


For the same reason men do, I would imagine. You have already been there. You may already have a foot in the door, and that beginning discomfort feeling of attempting something new isn't as strong.


You know exactly what to expect. There is tremendous power in that--particularlt when one is vulnerable.

likeordering your favorite off the menu instead of trying something new: you're hungry and not feeling particularly adventurous; you don't want to take a risk of getting something you don't like or even worse might make you sick.

Maybe you know old standby is not going to cut it for the rest of your life, but for right now, it does the job.


For some women, it feels safer to seek companionship with someone you know. If the previous relationship was a long one then it is less worrisome as they get back into the dating scene.

Betty Level 8 Jan 22, 2018

comfort... the devil one knows rather than the devil one doesn't...

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